Hey there, young wizard! Welcome to Zafaria! One of the spiral's most exciting worlds! In Zafaria you'll get to defeat a wide variety of different enemies including... Fire Lion Ravagers! Greyhorn Mercenaries! And some other enemies! But mostly Greyhorn Mercenaries! Oh! You want to fight creatures other than Greyhorn Mercenaries? Well you're in luck because almost all of the quests in Zafaria involve defeating Greyhorn Mercenaries!
Another exciting type of quest you'll get in Zafaria is... Defeat and collect quests! You'll get to fight the same enemy again and again hoping that you'll get the item you need to complete your quest! You'll never get bored or frustrated in the slightest! Oh! You're tired of defeat and collect quests, you say? Don't worry! There's countless more defeat and collect quests for you to complete!
That's all you need to know! Have fun in the spiral's most exciting world!!
Re: Welcome to the most exciting world in the spiral!
You are being sarcastic, aren't you? I think you are being sarcastic. Also mistaken. The Greyhorn Mercenaries are everywhere, but there are quite a bit of other creature to fight, too.
Re: Welcome to the most exciting world in the spiral!
Lookit Light on Dec 11, 2018 wrote:
You are being sarcastic, aren't you? I think you are being sarcastic. Also mistaken. The Greyhorn Mercenaries are everywhere, but there are quite a bit of other creature to fight, too.