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Badge for completely nullifying an attack.

Mar 17, 2018
I received 0 damage from a Bronze Helephant.
Keep in mind, without an absorb.

Me and my friend were experimenting on how low we could get damage using shields. After some thorough investigation, and plenty of planning, we successfully fully blocked the Bronze Helephant. These were all the spells I used.
Life Shield, -80%
Dream Shield, -70%
Tower Shield, -50%
Spirit Shield, -50%
Legion Shield, -35%
Weakness, -25%

Fortify, -15%

Natural resistance, -32%
And some of the spells above were repeated by my friend.

I was very proud of how much defense we had achieved, but unfortunately, I received no badge to commemorate it. This struck me as odd, because not long ago, I had helped my friend with achieving one million damage, and he received a badge for it.

I fully understand I could have achieved the same effect with an absorb, and I'm sure that taking 0 damage is easy for some people, but it meant a lot to me to be able to squelch an attack down from something to nothing.

My friend and I are a dynamic duo, where I support him with healing, defense, and damage boosts, and he attacks, and it feels bad to be considered less commendable because I have different strengths. I love the game, I have a ton of fun playing it, and it would mean the world if I had a cool badge like my friends, for doing what I do best.

I'm evdport1, 'Evan Starshield', Legendary (Level 67) Sorcerer.

Jan 18, 2010
Such technical planning; I applaud that! Your smarts will take you far through the game so don't feel too bad!

Now, about absorbing hits, this is actually something that is quite easy to do. It's not hard to gain immunity and absorb 0 damage from spells, in fact, with Jade Gear and the additional of ward pets, it's easy quite frankly.

Hence, because of this, having a badge to commemorate this is probably futile since in such an scenario, not much planning is needed.

The One in a Million badge to your point is much harder to achieve.

But please, don't beat yourself up too much!

Aug 23, 2016

You are quite correct in that is an achievement worth relishing.

Unlike the 1,000,000 outgoing damage, 0 incoming damage is fairly easy to achieve (albeit with the use of spirit armor) So I am unsure how KI would code such an award.

As such, you do deserve some recognition.

BY the power vested in me by no one in particular, I do hereby dub thee an "Artful Dodger"

Steven Ghoststalker