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Feedback Friday 2-8-19

Jan 05, 2014
Its been a long time (8 years?), but I still remember that when I first started it took a long time to register that I could and needed to discard cards from my hand. The help pages do mention discarding but don't seem to tell you how. As I recall I had to google discarding to get it right. There may be other players who are slow to pick up on the importance and mechanics of discarding.

Jan 05, 2014
I am going to add my voice to the many others who have complained about organizing the quest log. The one quest log feature I feel would be most useful, least likely to be game breaking, and simplest to implement would be a distinctive mark of some sort on the player's current mainline quest. Add an outline or icon or color tinge or something. Not the pseudo mainline quests you get in side worlds, but the actual required main world quest you must complete to progress. It is so easy to get your log cluttered with side quests, but sometimes, like when you have friends waiting, you need to be able to ignore all the side quests and head straight for your main quest.

Aug 03, 2016
Allow people to have a backpack setting that closes any battle circle they begin.

The thing that made me the most stressed out was when people would run into a battle circle just for fun, or to troll me, or to try to kill my wizard by running in and adding monsters when I had barely gotten through to begin with. I'm taking bout the entire street is empty and I could see them run and veer toward me on purpose.

The people who get pulled in by mistake always said so and said sorry. And I could tell they got pulled in.

Also being pulled into battle and trying to walk those skinny skinny sidewalks without being pulled in. I found that made me very tense.

I wanted time to learn the game without all those hazards.
All this time later, people trolling my battle circle STILL makes me avoid playing! They also tend to say mean things once they go in and bring monsters with them. I typically say nothing, so it's not in retort.

So, a safe place to learn the game? A setting to close a battle circle if they BEGAN the battle? Maybe it would make more people think twice or ask first, once they couldn't get into a few battles just by forcing their way in.

And also, not being able to communicate was hard. By the time I could pick from a menu of one-liners, the person was usually gone.

Aug 03, 2016
Yes - organizing the quest log is still a pain because there is no way to do so. There are quests I do not intend to attempt for months or years, but I have to page through them every single time.

Aug 03, 2016
Ricky west on Mar 8, 2019 wrote:
I think a big problem for new players. is the team up kiosk. high lvl players just go in and take out every thing in one round. That takes out the challenge for new players and they get board quick and leave. The team up is a good idea but not getting a reward for it. I think keep the team up but get rid of the kiosk. that way players will get help from the same or similar lvl to them. that should help to keep there interest. The way its set now they can't. Less they wait for some one to come along. And that can take time and has the same effect people get board.

phycology student
Might be nice if people had a setting for team up in which they can choose like-level players to team up with or higher-level players to team up with. That would give people a choice. Some people WANT the higher level player to just take out the enemy so they can run out and continue playing. Others enjoy the challenge and want to learn from playing too.

Some time ago, I posted an idea on the boards, something like, give us icons or some way to know what we are getting into. I can't memorize which battles are towers, how long tehy took to do, or what school the enemy was in. All those things would be very helpful in picking which team ups to help with. I don't want to get there and let anyone down. So I tend to just pick the easy worlds.

Then I ask how they want me to play. Most say they do not care. The next biggest number says either kill them all or they say nothing.

Aug 03, 2016
* A dedicated place or world in the Spiral for players to go and get some genuine help or quest buddies. *

Ideally a world because then the cool kids wouldn't want to hang out there long. It would be a lot easier for the bullies type of kids to zip over to a hut from the Commons and back again, but people are creatures of habit and a hangout takes on an energy of its own.

Aug 03, 2016
"We need to be able to add notes to the friends we add. Sometimes people will be online and i have no clue who they are!"

YES! Please. A note pad in the friend list for each friend. I use the symbols but those are limited in meaning.

Embarrassing when I have no clue who someone is!

Feb 06, 2010
Professor Falmea on Feb 8, 2019 wrote:
Hi everyone! Let's take some time and chat about something new, shall we?

For this edition of Feedback Friday, let's stick with the new and shiny theme and consider your first footsteps into Wizard City. In the first hour of play in the Spiral, what is the ONE thing you'd like to see us improve? We're excited to see your thoughts!

Have a wondrous weekend, Wizards!

Standard disclaimer applies: We do not guarantee to use each and every idea submitted, and questions we pose may or may not be pertaining to things we are currently working on, or will ever undertake. Sometimes, there are just technical limitations that make changing things difficult to impossible, and though we possess all manner of magic wands here, there are technological beasts out there that are beyond our grasp. Sometimes, we may not feel it is within the spirit and vision of the spiral to add or change something. Also, we realize that some of these topics may have been addressed before in other threads - sometimes it's good to pick up a discussion again. Chances are I have read your threads and would like to hear more!
Okay, so let's pretend I am a new Wizard, I would want to see...

  • Updated Spell animations (Rebirth with the real/new Bartleby, Serph with the real/new Lady Oriel)
  • I WISH WISH WISH we could have facial hair and accessories.
  • New hobby, like Alchemy c'mon, were a wizard! (We could actually craft crown shop potions!!! Too bad old Alchemy professor Greta Darkkettle turned Dark)
  • Earn school credits. Kind of like the daily assignments but you earn points for your school by doing daily homework assignments. -Kind of kick up the school competitiveness (Kind of like HP when they win the house cup)
  • Night Time in Wizard City!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I wish that Zebra in Golem Court actually did something!!

Nov 26, 2012
Ok, here goes. When you're brand new, you feel a bit lost. If there were some way to go to a New People location, and perhaps get assistance from someone, it would make the sensation of jumping in blind, less disconcerting. I mean, being able to go to Unicorn way, without having to consult your map, and being told to get the quests, now, and do them later, might help. Not to mention being able to understand, by example, that corners can be disastrous, if you don't turn them closely. Little things that you could learn from a 'mentor'. People who visit this area, and are at least level ten, could earn a treasure card, by making themselves available, and who knows what gems they might impart, to the new player. The vast amount of incorrect information which could be thus shared beggars the mind. It would be a system whereby those running the game could find out just how much needs to be corrected, since it would all be shared there.

Nov 26, 2012
dayerider on Feb 9, 2019 wrote:
Make Unicorn Way/Golem Court bosses not have minions at all. Leave everything else the same. Ramp up the difficulty level a TAD slower. No school has an AoE that low and it drags the fights out a lot. Either that, or give ALL schools a 1 or 2 pip AoE spell learned around L5 or 10. EITHER would work, although, I'm partial to giving them ALL a low pip, low damage, AoE.
Simply a single, Area of Effect spell, for every school, which you get as soon as you pass fifth level. Not one that will destroy an enemy, but something to lower the total amount of damage needed to win. When a new wizard has to worry about fizzle, and simply having enough spells in his book to finish the dungeon, It helps to have something that will take away that last ten or fifteen pips which your first level spell left behind. Spells like "Icepatch", "Cloudburst", "Heatwave", "Rotting Death", and "Angry Dryad" come to mind. Just a few points, to all the enemies, say twelve to fifteen, in damage. Oh, and for Balance, just give them an "Unbalance" spell, that trips all the enemies, and hurts them in the process. If you ever get around to creating an "Air" school, then you can have a "Dust Devil" spell, to help them out.

Nov 26, 2012
H34rty on Feb 9, 2019 wrote:
Make life school have the ability to have leafstorm be trainable, or balance out life gear to have more crit rating without sacrificing 40% damage? I would love to see life school get some love in the upcoming update as i feel our school gets dinged so much in the game. We need something to be proud of.
I agree that "leafstorm" should be a spell you can 'learn'. While Forest Lord is a good spell, it becomes the only one used by life wizards at high level. Every school should have an AoE spell at fourth level, but Life needs some boost in battle, because it has become just an 'extra' to the party, something very good to have, in addition to the "Damage schools" like fire and Storm. Death is trashed, because of it's lack of heals for the party, but not as bad as Life. If storm was less likely to fizzle, death was able to help other party members, and Life was harder to kill, the game would have more balance, which is a school that takes forever to mature. Myth would be a good choice, but the teacher is part of the problem, and that can't be fixed. Oh, and while you're at it, quit constantly making the level of a "high level character" something you can't be until you pass some arbitrary point. If you've finished Dragonspyre, you should be "high Level", and beyond that comes Epic, and Ultra, as in pets. An Epoch level character, (above 100) should get an increase in rewards, since levels are tough to make, and an "Ultra" level character should always start a dungeon with a shadow pip, so that everyone would kill themselves to get there.

Dec 31, 2009
DanTheTerrible on Mar 13, 2019 wrote:
Its been a long time (8 years?), but I still remember that when I first started it took a long time to register that I could and needed to discard cards from my hand. The help pages do mention discarding but don't seem to tell you how. As I recall I had to google discarding to get it right. There may be other players who are slow to pick up on the importance and mechanics of discarding.
I would add treasure cards to this, it took me awhile to figure out how to get them to show in my hand.

Dec 31, 2009
Gorman Deathstalke... on Mar 19, 2019 wrote:
I agree that "leafstorm" should be a spell you can 'learn'. While Forest Lord is a good spell, it becomes the only one used by life wizards at high level. Every school should have an AoE spell at fourth level, but Life needs some boost in battle, because it has become just an 'extra' to the party, something very good to have, in addition to the "Damage schools" like fire and Storm. Death is trashed, because of it's lack of heals for the party, but not as bad as Life. If storm was less likely to fizzle, death was able to help other party members, and Life was harder to kill, the game would have more balance, which is a school that takes forever to mature. Myth would be a good choice, but the teacher is part of the problem, and that can't be fixed. Oh, and while you're at it, quit constantly making the level of a "high level character" something you can't be until you pass some arbitrary point. If you've finished Dragonspyre, you should be "high Level", and beyond that comes Epic, and Ultra, as in pets. An Epoch level character, (above 100) should get an increase in rewards, since levels are tough to make, and an "Ultra" level character should always start a dungeon with a shadow pip, so that everyone would kill themselves to get there.
Totally off topic, but I would trade my frog for forest lord any day of the week. Tired of seeing forest lord? Try making a myth, at level 130 it is still the go to non shadow aoe

Ice has frost giant
fire has dragon
storm has sirens
death has scarecrow
life has forest lord
balance has RA
Myth has bubkus

So tired of this argument from life honestly, if you are so unhappy with your school there are 7 to choose from after all.

Aug 03, 2016
Jasmine3429 on Mar 19, 2019 wrote:
Totally off topic, but I would trade my frog for forest lord any day of the week. Tired of seeing forest lord? Try making a myth, at level 130 it is still the go to non shadow aoe

Ice has frost giant
fire has dragon
storm has sirens
death has scarecrow
life has forest lord
balance has RA
Myth has bubkus

So tired of this argument from life honestly, if you are so unhappy with your school there are 7 to choose from after all.
"So tired of this argument from life honestly,"

But you were saying about the same things about the Myth school?
"if you are so unhappy with your school there are 7 to choose from after all."

"Quit if you don't like it" is never that helpful...KI asked players for their input. Companies pay a lot to get customer feedback, a good company values honest feedback.

Nov 25, 2012
Hi again <3
So I tried to think of another thing and I thought about the game's website itself.
The website changed allot, and for good! But I think it looks too odd now, and it should get upgraded.
U did a wonderful job with the game launcher too. If you can do the same with this website,
I think it will attract more players to sign up and play the game.

Arcanum Lore <3

Sep 30, 2013
Make a housing item and pet vault much like seed vault for items wizards don't want to sell. When updating to a new castle it's a real chore to transfer items to attic and bank and shared bank. Increase the size of bank and shared bank by fifty. Increase size of decorations permitted in a house or boost the bric a brac elixir.

Finally increase the drop rate on craftable cards like pigsie.

Feb 03, 2012
I think the Lost Souls ghost noises from Unicorn Way are a little too scary for children players. (And me)

Dec 31, 2009
Some kind of rental mount given to the player, that run down to the hedge grove is awfully long!