Hello there fellow wizards. I have a question that probably many people have asked in terms of needing help in Azteca and that is, is side questing worth it this far into the game?
I don't really do much side quests (nor did I in the beginning besides Prospector Zeke's) but I am beginning to struggle in this world. Any suggestions?
Waterworks is the standard gear set, it is good up to about level 100. This gear includes good all-school defense.
Waterworks is a level 60 dungeon in Crab Alley. I believe the quest is given by Blad the miller in Triton Avenue. You will probably need to run the dungeon a number of times to get the set (hat, robe, boots)
Alternatively, Lower Zigazag gear is very good. This is another level 60 dungeon, quest is given by the Balance school prof in Krokotopia. Somewhat less defence than WW but more attack.
Hello there fellow wizards. I have a question that probably many people have asked in terms of needing help in Azteca and that is, is side questing worth it this far into the game?
I don't really do much side quests (nor did I in the beginning besides Prospector Zeke's) but I am beginning to struggle in this world. Any suggestions?
Yours truly, Matthew, level 81
Whenever I start to find the main quests a bit too challenging I have a little look at what side quests I can do to level up a bit
I especially recommend doing any spell quests you might have missed. You can double check your spells here.
If I've done all the quests for specific rewards I would like (spells, pets, crafting, training points etc) then I look at the ones from the previous world (same world if I am towards the end of it) and see which ones give me lots of delicious XP
There is nothing wrong with doing some sides or numerically being 'over-levelled'...if the balance of difficulty/fun is tipping into frustration or it feeling a bit slow just do a few sides to balance it out again
Often times, the outcome of a battle can be decided with a single level difference.
Now, in your case, as a, soloing Azteca can prove to be a bit challenging, but what I can indeed tell you is that being a few levels above the norm can be a tremendous help!
Hence, I recommend pausing Azteca for a bit and visiting Grizzleheim and do all those quest alongside the ones in Wintertusk.
These areas are particularly important as a few spells here unlock key school only spells and pets.
Also, Wintertusk provides a great deal of experience that'll surely makes things a lot easier for you in Azteca.