So on Wizard101 central I saw that the loremaster drops a lot of spells. And I was wondering what the chances of getting Athena battle sight are. So far I've gotten Ninja pigs and Lord of night. I didn't know that you could get that spell from the loremaster. (Athena battle sight)
But still, I'd REALLY like to the Athena battle sight. (Also I know that you can get it in a pack, but it's not worth the money.) Thanks! Gavin Shade, level 75
So on Wizard101 central I saw that the loremaster drops a lot of spells. And I was wondering what the chances of getting Athena battle sight are. So far I've gotten Ninja pigs and Lord of night. I didn't know that you could get that spell from the loremaster. (Athena battle sight)
But still, I'd REALLY like to the Athena battle sight. (Also I know that you can get it in a pack, but it's not worth the money.) Thanks! Gavin Shade, level 75
Woohoo, you've got some spells already!
Loremaster is great for spells but it can take a lot of patience and determination getting the 'right one' to drop. It's impossible for us to estimate how long it will take to get it since it's all RNG (random number generator...or some people say 'random number gods' haha). You could get it next try or in a hundred's all luck.
I don't know if you know, but you can CRAFT spells as soon as you reach the Zafaria crafting quest!
I would keep farming Loremaster but in between also be gathering the reagents needed in the recipe here. Also do the crafting quests here so I am ready to get the Zafaria quest when I get there. If I get to Zafaria and have not yet won the spell I am well prepared to unlock the crafting quest for Legendary Artisan and craft it.
'No Bother' is the storyline quest that opens the crafting side quest.
'To Market, To Market' is the side quest leading to Legendary Artisan (level for crafting the spell).
You'll be Legendary Artisan and able to buy the recipe (linked above) from Grady.