As part of the new promotion, an elixir to get Double Pet XP for an hour is offered as a reward for spending a certain number of crowns within a given period of time. I was wondering, is there any way we could buy that elixir directly? It obviously already exists within the game, so how about letting us buy it from the crown shop? An energy elixir costs 250 crowns, double that would be 500, but since snacks are also doubled, I could understand if it were to be priced at 599 crowns (or 600), the same price as as jewel packs. I'm sure lots of people would make use of this elixir, and since it would cost real money to get, it would help encourage the sales of crowns, which in turn boosts the income of K.I., and in turn provides more security for the future of W101 and P101, which is what players want, knowing that a game will continue to be around long enough to make it worth playing (or continuing to play).
As part of the new promotion, an elixir to get Double Pet XP for an hour is offered as a reward for spending a certain number of crowns within a given period of time. I was wondering, is there any way we could buy that elixir directly? It obviously already exists within the game, so how about letting us buy it from the crown shop? An energy elixir costs 250 crowns, double that would be 500, but since snacks are also doubled, I could understand if it were to be priced at 599 crowns (or 600), the same price as as jewel packs. I'm sure lots of people would make use of this elixir, and since it would cost real money to get, it would help encourage the sales of crowns, which in turn boosts the income of K.I., and in turn provides more security for the future of W101 and P101, which is what players want, knowing that a game will continue to be around long enough to make it worth playing (or continuing to play).
It's a win all the way around.
That's an interesting question. There might be some concerns with this, but I'll ask our marketing team to consider it.
That's an interesting question. There might be some concerns with this, but I'll ask our marketing team to consider it.
Thank you!
I'm sure it would be a greatly appreciated addition to the crown shop. Those with active membership would obviously still get weekends of free double pet XP, but anyone (even members) could get it at other times as well. Like I said, would be a boost to KI's income, provided it's not overpriced. I do believe the cost I suggested would be fair, since it would be the equivalent of two energy elixirs and some pet snacks (even though a player would only really need to use one energy elixir to refill in order to train at regular XP in order to achieve the same end results, the benefit also affects snacks, so I think it's balanced and fair).
I do hope they consider it, but even if they don't, thank you for passing it on to them.
That's an interesting question. There might be some concerns with this, but I'll ask our marketing team to consider it.
Funny, I made this suggestion back in April 2018 and found some post from other wizards as far back as 2017 suggestion this also. Think of the money KI has already lost Maybe there should be a suggestion box somewhere that is actually read by KI employees. So many good ideas have come across this message board to fall on deaf ears, its a shame.
LOL, and the funny thing is about Cat Wildbreeze suggestion box idea is I made my first ever posts on this site and Central in 2015, suggesting the very same thing Cat is asking for 4 years later, a Suggestion Box. That and Wiz Notes. The Suggestion Box I thought would be nice to have in-game because I had no idea where to post my suggestion for the Wiz Notes!
Cat is right on everything, I am finding some of my old threads here that have completely been ignored. Not only ignored, but threads have been closed. Do I need to start new threads to report on Nibbler fish turning red in chat? Or to report that Earn Crowns feature is not working again?