I think there are some simple conceptual steps/idea in my opinion that the game developers can take to change PvP for the better.By giving PIPS more importance.
1. Change the ranking and point rewards. The best thing to do is to change the ranking system one a leveling system which already it is in the game like player will get rank only in their level if not every 10 level make it the most popular one like aprentice rank from private to warlord say like level 1-25 than magus rank from 26-40 and so one it doesnt matter it only matter that player will go agains player at a similar level. Second thing you do here is to change the rewarding system. As it is now it doesn't matter if you put any effort into the match or if you staying all the match jade heal shield and make people flee it only matters if you win or loose. Why if instead rewarding for only win or loose rewarding player who really put effort to the match get more point even if they loose and than on top of you can still mantain the win or loose point reward but adding or taking the effort point. This can be simply done by givin a let's say 0.5% point to every pip you spent or same as in PvE in which you get more XP during combat the more pip you spent this can totally encourage people to really put more effort to the match instead of sitting to the end of time on those pips and just defending. The point reward should be like it is now exp. X amount of point reward by pip usage plus 14 or minis 14 of win and loose. So this way you can give fair reward to players that totally want to win and put effort and even if the loose they have a chance to get a positive result in the end.And the ranking shoud be much harder to get like +1000 to gain a rank (dont judge the number is totally theory example can change them in whatever) but if you make it harder to rank with more point needed this eliminate the boster to in this way it should be way harder for them to rank
2.Change shadow pip mechanic. Instead of shadow pip being gained by percentual chance be rewarded the moment you spend like say 10 powerpip or 20 pips. This way your game is not based on chance and depends on only one or two spells but your all arsenal. This can make for a very good strategy match by observing the adversary more and acting accordingly you can decide to just shield buff heal and debuff occasionaly using some pips and prepare for a big hit . Or by spamming hits and being more agresive and playing with your other hits but risking being open for a big but either way should be rewarding cause you both control the game and not everything is let to chance. But going along the tradition of just luck and chance the pips can still fail and that can get you in truble if the adversary have no fails but still you can defend and plan for later. Plus shadow pip as a reward for pip spent can totally go along with the first step this way have to use pips for both. (Some may say that this can arise a proble in PvE but that can be easly fixed and i thing that Wizard101 engine is totally capable by just giving the arena if it is not their own world/cell/number by programing and saying that if Y/enter/X/behave/like Z and than after you step outside the area of arena/world everything get normal)
3.And lastly but no least at all and very important Remove the win/loose ration by showing to others in your profile this can really discourage people.If no one know how good or bad you is less embarrising for people to try pvp this can solve the problem of few people playing in pvp now days and by consecuance in totally unfair cross level match up and by adding level tiers totally resolve that. If i have more looses to show up i will totally discouraget to play on certain chatacter and get depresed by still loosing in the broken system that is now , but by adding all i said and this last one it can totally change the PvP and make it way more fun. If no one know how bad i am i will totally still try to be better and with the new point syste i may have a chance and by not showing how i am doing i will be regarded as everyone else. Just showing the ranking badges would be enough for most people to satisfy their ego.
I know it was very long and maybe no one even read this or even care about this or totally ignore it but i really love the game and i would like to see it better and in my opinion this changes will totally do that. Maybe they can be elaborated more or optimized more but it just an idea of some sort.
I think there are some simple conceptual steps/idea in my opinion that the game developers can take to change PvP for the better.By giving PIPS more importance.
1. Change the ranking and point rewards. The best thing to do is to change the ranking system one a leveling system which already it is in the game like player will get rank only in their level if not every 10 level make it the most popular one like aprentice rank from private to warlord say like level 1-25 than magus rank from 26-40 and so one it doesnt matter it only matter that player will go agains player at a similar level. Second thing you do here is to change the rewarding system. As it is now it doesn't matter if you put any effort into the match or if you staying all the match jade heal shield and make people flee it only matters if you win or loose. Why if instead rewarding for only win or loose rewarding player who really put effort to the match get more point even if they loose and than on top of you can still mantain the win or loose point reward but adding or taking the effort point. This can be simply done by givin a let's say 0.5% point to every pip you spent or same as in PvE in which you get more XP during combat the more pip you spent this can totally encourage people to really put more effort to the match instead of sitting to the end of time on those pips and just defending. The point reward should be like it is now exp. X amount of point reward by pip usage plus 14 or minis 14 of win and loose. So this way you can give fair reward to players that totally want to win and put effort and even if the loose they have a chance to get a positive result in the end.And the ranking shoud be much harder to get like +1000 to gain a rank (dont judge the number is totally theory example can change them in whatever) but if you make it harder to rank with more point needed this eliminate the boster to in this way it should be way harder for them to rank
2.Change shadow pip mechanic. Instead of shadow pip being gained by percentual chance be rewarded the moment you spend like say 10 powerpip or 20 pips. This way your game is not based on chance and depends on only one or two spells but your all arsenal. This can make for a very good strategy match by observing the adversary more and acting accordingly you can decide to just shield buff heal and debuff occasionaly using some pips and prepare for a big hit . Or by spamming hits and being more agresive and playing with your other hits but risking being open for a big but either way should be rewarding cause you both control the game and not everything is let to chance. But going along the tradition of just luck and chance the pips can still fail and that can get you in truble if the adversary have no fails but still you can defend and plan for later. Plus shadow pip as a reward for pip spent can totally go along with the first step this way have to use pips for both. (Some may say that this can arise a proble in PvE but that can be easly fixed and i thing that Wizard101 engine is totally capable by just giving the arena if it is not their own world/cell/number by programing and saying that if Y/enter/X/behave/like Z and than after you step outside the area of arena/world everything get normal)
3.And lastly but no least at all and very important Remove the win/loose ration by showing to others in your profile this can really discourage people.If no one know how good or bad you is less embarrising for people to try pvp this can solve the problem of few people playing in pvp now days and by consecuance in totally unfair cross level match up and by adding level tiers totally resolve that. If i have more looses to show up i will totally discouraget to play on certain chatacter and get depresed by still loosing in the broken system that is now , but by adding all i said and this last one it can totally change the PvP and make it way more fun. If no one know how bad i am i will totally still try to be better and with the new point syste i may have a chance and by not showing how i am doing i will be regarded as everyone else. Just showing the ranking badges would be enough for most people to satisfy their ego.
I know it was very long and maybe no one even read this or even care about this or totally ignore it but i really love the game and i would like to see it better and in my opinion this changes will totally do that. Maybe they can be elaborated more or optimized more but it just an idea of some sort.
1. has way too many core changes its balanced as it is and you get 16 rank for winning or losing flat out.
2. changing the way shadow spells work is way too much effory for something so insignificant. if you want more shadow pip chance you can farm for shadow pip jewels and get a higher chance or better gear shadow pips are powerful enough already.
3. No, because seeing someone's rank helps experienced players choose others for dungeons or as partners, I'm not gonna pick you as my pvp partner if your 3-14 and have a guardian robe etc. and if you take that away and hide it and someone puts on a prestigous robe I won't know if they're experienced and I can end up losing a match because my partner is inexperienced.
The only change in pvp that should be considered is changing it so that the person with lower rank is to go first.