Not worth buying scroll of fortune with beastmoon all the time
Every other week is a beastmoon something, literally. Why can't you space them out more for those of us who'd like to do other things to earn points? Should we just give up trying to get the scrolls of fortune?
In general, I don't want to spend crowns on the scrolls of fortune because with beastmoon taking up half of every month it's getting to be next to impossible to get through the entire thing. Some of us don't like being forced to play on teams with strangers, and forcing such interactions isn't going to make us want to stay or spend crowns with you.
Re: Not worth buying scroll of fortune with beastmoon all the time
i agree. i have been made to feel unwelcome on more than one occasion for being a noob and asking stupid questions in beastmoon. i stopped participating. not interested in feeling like i am bullied. i am here to enjoy a couple of hours.
so unless you are deckathalon or beastmoon focused, this is not a benefit for you. glad i waited to purchase, especially after the calendar changes not long ago.
Re: Not worth buying scroll of fortune with beastmoon all the time
This is the exact reason why I haven't bothered to ever buy a scroll of fortune. I have never been able to get into Beastmoon. Especially Beastmoon Mayhem. I just don't enjoy playing it.
Then there's Deckathalon but you need a good deck to make it high up in that.
Re: Not worth buying scroll of fortune with beastmoon all the time
Deckathalon is the worst in my opinion.
You can do the Scroll of Fortune and avoid one event type entirely. You just have to make sure to get every point on the other events.
For Beastmoon, try joining a group. If you have a regular group of people that play it's a good way to make friends. The group that I play with, we aren't the best by any means, but since we are coordinated we do decently well.
If you join a random round, ask questions: you'll find many players are willing to help you out. When people are talking don't think everyone is just shouting at you: some people are trying to help you. Especially if someone says like "come eye" that doesn't mean "I hate everyone, come to eye NOW" unless they say that, it usually means "please come to eye, I could use help"
It's also helpful to look at some of the guides on the fansites, they have good information.
Re: Not worth buying scroll of fortune with beastmoon all the time
Fiorenza Rosanante... on Apr 24, 2021 wrote:
Every other week is a beastmoon something, literally. Why can't you space them out more for those of us who'd like to do other things to earn points? Should we just give up trying to get the scrolls of fortune?
In general, I don't want to spend crowns on the scrolls of fortune because with beastmoon taking up half of every month it's getting to be next to impossible to get through the entire thing. Some of us don't like being forced to play on teams with strangers, and forcing such interactions isn't going to make us want to stay or spend crowns with you.
I'm beginning to wonder why I even bother to try.
Personally, I buy at least 3 scrolls everytime and sometimes more. If it's a case where you don't know good players or your just not into it, Every event gives points so just play the ones you like, but ill tell you this.
Every scroll has something to earn for all the events.
Beastmoon can be harsh when your just learning it, and the people also if you do something not good.
Just brush it off and listen to the criticism as part of the event.
Hunt has more people who will assist learning.
Scroll got some great stuff, for instance, a extra housing elixir 3500 in crown shop. But its on the scroll and tons more worth well over the 7500 for the scroll. Nearly 1000 lunari, the beastmoon currency, a gold idol to get more forms.
I'm not saying buy it just because it's there.
I can say, playing casual i always finish all my scrolls every season.