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New to Wizard 101

Nov 12, 2022
hey guys im new to wizard101 been playing less than a week I just wanted to know what the best deck and gear is for my wizard im an ice wizard lvl 32 atm im have a full set of Zeus gear but don't really know what a good deck is for my wizard or anything of that nature any help would be greatly appreciated! :) Currently I have all spells i can learn for ice up to lvl 32. I also have Reshuffle, Feint, and Elemental Blade and Trap. If you guys could tell me what spells to put in and how many even for spells i will unlock later that would be awesome! Thanks for any help on this :)

Dec 30, 2013
Honestly, don't think there are any gear better at that current level than the Zeus gear (esp Sky Iron Hasta which is useful all the way to high level). However, some gear that might interest you next would be the Wintertusk Crafting Gear (Requires Grandmaster Artisan, Recipe from Carax Strongthread) for Level 56+ or Waterworks Gear (Farmable from Waterworks Dungeon in Level 60+).

As for a good deck, decks don't really have much impact until much later in the game where they start to give stats. A deck with a huge storage for spells is also not necessary as it is usually good to not overpack cards into a deck & just keep to a few important spells (Blades, Feint, Trap & Strong Attack) which you know are enough to kill the enemy as it is crucial to draw for the cards that you need instead of discarding a whole other bunch of cards before getting what you need.

For me, I usually have at least 1 School Blade, Another different blade spell (Pet, Item, Elemental or Spirit Blade), 1 Feint, 1 AOE, 1 Single target attack, 1 Attack Spell Enchant & 1 Heal. Some people may not have more than 1 blade so if you have sharpened blade (perhaps from pet), it would work as well (2 same blade spell, 1 sharpened & 1 not-sharpened counts as 2 different blades). Spells such as conversions are situational for me as it depends on who I'm fighting against.

You might have a different playstyle so you should build your deck based on how you play the game but do try to not overload your deck!

Hope this helped!

Ian DreamCaster

May 22, 2012
New to Wizard 101 on Nov 17, 2022 wrote:
hey guys im new to wizard101 been playing less than a week I just wanted to know what the best deck and gear is for my wizard im an ice wizard lvl 32 atm im have a full set of Zeus gear but don't really know what a good deck is for my wizard or anything of that nature any help would be greatly appreciated! :) Currently I have all spells i can learn for ice up to lvl 32. I also have Reshuffle, Feint, and Elemental Blade and Trap. If you guys could tell me what spells to put in and how many even for spells i will unlock later that would be awesome! Thanks for any help on this :)
Regardless of what school you are and what level, the one thing I always look for in a deck is a triangle slot. That way you can add accuracy or power pip jewels

Jan 16, 2010
Zeus gear for your level is pretty much the best unless you get certain pieces of pack gear (such as Lydia's Frozen Footwraps from the Professor's pack). So I wouldn't worry about that - I didn't go for Zeus gear on the Ice I'm playing right now because I had pack gear. And for the same reason, I didn't get Wintertusk gear. With my Ice, I'm finding myself flying through the levels because of Ice's added resist. Most Ice gear is going to give you added resist anyway, so concentrate on getting additional damage through gems, or your athame/ring. It will help enormously.

As far as your deck goes, my Ice is currently level 70 and in Zafaria and she's running with a Deck of the Ice Wyrm, with the following spells -
- 1 Balefrost
- 1 Frost Giant
- (vs Ice bosses and mobs) 2 Ice Prisms
- 2 Ice Blades
- 1 Reindeer Knight
- 2 Gargantuan
- 2 Satyr (without a Life Mastery Amulet, your power pips are such, that it's unnecessary by this level to have one I've found)
- 1 Amplify (but I'm about to get the quest so I can get Berserk, and I'll be replacing that with Berserk when I do)
- 1 Feint
- 1 Resuffle
- 1 Elemental Blade

And on my sideboard -
- 1 Sharpened Blade (from an Enchanted Armament pet)
- 1 Ice Blade (from Shango's Iceblade Amulet, a +45 blade)
- 1 Elemental Blade (from Frozen Breath Shroud, the ice crafted Zafaria hat)

My Ice has decent resist from her other gear, not the best, but the new pet's going to help with that hopefully. And she's got decent damage for her level (not as high as I'd want, but it's over 50, which isn't bad for an ice at this level).

As far as spells you'll want later - you're going to want to go Sun to Epic (the extra damage does help at later levels I've found on other schools, and Ice's damage is low, so you're going to want that extra bit). I went Life to Satyr because when I was lower level, I did have a Life Mastery, but I don't use it anymore so I can use Shango's. When you're higher level, you'll have a chance to get gear that will increase your power pip percentage, and that will help you cast faster; that plus the fact that Ice has the best resist in the game, basically, because of their gear, means you won't really need a mastery amulet for life spells (but it's a preference, some prefer to have the mastery amulet so you can use power pips to cast the spells, so the duels go faster, but you won't really need to do that after level 60 or so).

I would also recommend Berserk and eventually Frenzy, which is the upgraded version of Berserk. You'll get a school aura eventually (in Azteca), and I recommend picking that up to replace Berserk until you can get Frenzy. You'll also (in Mirage) need Aegis and Indemnity. Some of the bosses there cheat, and their cheats require you to have it unless you want to have a very, very long fight. I would also recommend Brace, and probably Conviction (especially against ice opponents - I'll sometimes put this and another aura like Amplify or Berserk in my deck, and cast Conviction while I'm blading and trapping, then I'll cast the Amplify/Berserk aura to help amplify my attack spell).

Potent Trap and Sharpened Blade are also must haves, but you don't get those until Azteca unless you can hatch an Enchanted Armament pet. By the time you need one (Celestia-ish, Zafaria), you should have the 100K to hatch for one in the hatching kiosk, or you can find someone to hatch with but honestly the kiosk is easier to use, although I believe it's more expensive. I've chosen to go the "extra defense" route with my pet, with getting spell defy, spell proof as talents on my pets, along with hatching one of my pets with an armament that had extra wards for extra resist in certain schools that hit harder (looking at you, fire and storm).

Ice has the most health in the game, the best resist, but (I believe), the lowest damage. But don't let the lowest damage necessarily convince you it's the worst school (as some have said) - I've played every school in the game, and I've soloed them - PvE - and by far, the Ice is the easiest to solo PvE. The added health and resist are seriously useful in the later stages of the game.

Hope some or all of this helps (look at me getting longwinded again :) !