I have been thinking about shadow magic and what exactly it is recently, and I have been wondering is it really evil? I mean sure Ambrose had the magic banned from Ravenwood and morganthe used it for her own selfish reasons, but is shadow magic inherently evil? A lot of people think that shadow is evil, the opposite of the light, but shadow isn't the opposite of light darkness is, and there's a difference. A shadow is created by both light AND dark there is no shadow that could exist without light. When you fight morganthe in her shadow palace she states "shadow forms reality" this alone tells us a lot about what shadow magic and what it really is. By stating that shadow forms reality she is telling us that the spiral and the schools of magic all stem from light and darkness which makes perfect sense. I believe that shadow magic was used when bartelby created the spiral and I believe it can be used to end it, because shadow magic is bending reality itself and can be used to cause chaos and destruction or to create amazing things, I believe that shadow is neither light or dark but instead a balance of the two.