I think they should raise the level cap 5-10 levels without advancing the story or advance the story but instead of 10 levels raise it 15-20. My reason for thinking this is.....Side quests. If you do side quests (and maybe even if you don't) you reach max level before the end of Polaris. If you do all the side quests your most the way to max before you even start Polaris. And for those of you who say if they do that then we wont be max level by end well simple solution to that to and it's called Grinding go and fight dungeons and stuff that way you can help the lower people while still earning exp.
I disagree with this idea. I don't think it's necessary. You don't necessarily need to get the experience as for example in Polaris they add enough to make sure you get to level 110. Adding extra levels with no world will just have people asking "where is my level 118 spell?" and would cause extra work that isn't needed. Those are just my thoughts.
It ultimately isn't needed. I stopped at 100 to farm darkmoor and wait for the next expansion to not waste exp on kyrisalis. But the quests are worth so much exp once that new expansion comes out, it's a negligible difference. After polaris, I decided to do literally all quests in my book, being a completionist, but also realized that it wasn't worth the wait so that my xp wasn't "wasted."
Long story short: Just suck it up. In the end/next expansion, it's going to make the difference of a few hours which in and of itself is not only negligible, but once everyone gets to the end of that world, you'll be at the new level cap anyway.
I don't think you compleatly understand what I was getting at. Yes you reach 110 in polaris, and as for a new spell We just got one at the end of Polaris with very little left to use it on unless we go farming so as for people wanting a new spell at 118 there would be no point. The point is that we reach 110 Way to early it would be better if at the end of polaris we still had some leveling we could do, make it worth going back and helping people rather then half of them doing it just to show off/ try the spells they just got with no fights left to use them on. My sister reached 110 on her death character and has 30 something pages of side quests and guess what...She isn't even done with Polaris yet she dosn't even have her 108 spell yet cause she has not reached the point to unlock it. Yes that's right max level with a ton of side quests left and not even finished the last world or gotten the last school spell. That don't even mention the 110 astral spells that you don't get until even after that. I maxed out at around Baba Yaga, thats a fair amount of exp wasted just to get to my next spells. That is the reason I think they should raise the level cap regardless to the story line. If you still don't understand this well then I can't help you understand it. Maybe its because of the other mmorpg games I have played that you don't max out level by time you finish everything that I think this way or maybe it is something else either way I feel they should raise it.
I get what you're saying, and it's been suggested before.
I just stop questing when I get close to max level. I have one pairing of wizards that finishes to the end of the game without worrying about saving XP. The rest stall out in the last world before they reach the level cap until the next world is released and the level cap is increased so that they don't waste XP.
At the current advancements levels, it would take so much duelling to get enough XP to keep advancing levels, it'd be ridiculous. You get 3 XP for every pip you use in combat, or for every spell you cast in the case of zero pip spells (Tower Shield, single blades, wand attacks, etc). So let's say you need 2.1M XP to advance to level 117, that's 700,000 spells/pips. If anybody is playing that much after they've already completed every quest in the game, I'll be honest, I don't really care if they go up ONE level, or even two if they play so much that they can do it.
By the same token, I do somewhat understand why KI doesn't do it. They need to come up with experience tables for the next world, and they loosely base the XP given for each quest on the XP required for advancement. It would probably be a whole lot trickier going back and forth working with what they had already done when they created 10 additional levels previously, and trying to marry it with what they're currently doing, while also planning for the future when coming up with XP tables for the next 10 levels.
Not saying it's impossible, but that's the potential hang up I can see as to why they won't do it.