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Pass When someone Flees or Leaves

Oct 29, 2011
Sometimes when I am in battle and some has fled or left during the battle, I pick a card and go but sometimes it just passes me. Its really annoying and it can really mess me up in battle. Please fix this, its really really annoying.

Sep 17, 2012
That's the less annoying part of this bug. When you blade yourself, instead of passing it will blade the person after you. This bug has existed as long as I've been playing and it's really annoying. Especially if you play with a very limited deck. I often carry exactly the cards I need so I can cast without searching for them. Putting a blade on the wrong person can totally mess up the battle.

Dec 10, 2010
i am getting passed in battles as well, for instance in zeus exalted, I sharpen a blade and try to put it on, it will glitch and not show then pass me or, it will show I used it and when it comes to my turn it will pass me. very frustrating. there are other instances I have been passed when fighting omen.