out of the Gloomthorn pack comes the best, most epic mount, ever released into this game.
Which mount? The bats. A small cloud of bats which, when equipped is all you see. This, to my mind, is fantastic. The character totally vanishes and a little cloud of bats flies around the game, inconspicuous, and fantastic.
I really hope this idea is expanded for all the schools, and not just clouds of school related stuff.
Fire could have a little dancing bonfire that did something when the player was standing still and something else when the player was moving.
Life could be a tree, or a plant, that pulled its roots up to walk, but just stood there looking like a housing item when the player wasn't moving.
I have always been happy with a broom. It moves just as fast as anything else and is a good deal easier to maneuver in tight spaces than the big creature mounts. It is, like much of the game, reminiscent of Hogwarts/Harry Potter, which is fine. They aren't particularly impressive, but that suits me, I prefer players to know me for being competent, not flashy.
I like the crafted school mounts from Aquila, especially the storm one. It's compact, easily maneuverable and doesn't hide my wizard's look.
Do they sell those or is it a drop?
I tried Aquila. Unfortunately we were all about the same level. They were way better players than I am but we still got wiped out in the final battle. And there are not enough wisps in Aquila. I had jumped into a teamup on a whim, and wasn't prepared with refills on energy.
What are some good drops people have gotten in Aquila?
I like the mount that comes with the gem mine pack. But it costs a LOT to dye that horse!
I want a swirling leaves mount. I want one with green and one with autumn leaves. They could do ones for other schools: swirling fire (Fire) or bones or skulls (Death - although someone can use the bats mount if they win it) - I guess they already have a cloud with lightning mount for Storm. What mounts would Balance or Myth use, if they had a small thing that swirled around their feet?
The coconut shells that were released for April Fools a few years ago. I think its called Noble Steed or something. I guess I am showing my age here....
They need to come back when I actually have money!
Until recently, I used a broom, even though I must have 20 mounts in my shared chest. The bigger mounts obscured vision and had no advantages, other than cosmetic.
Now I use the Road Chopper, simply because it's faster than the other mounts. What wasn't simple was getting a permanent one out of the pack.