This one is not really a bug, but i guess a technical issue. Basically, I was doing the quest Sell Out, a side quest from Harold Argleston, and the quest location given was wrong. Instead of saying "Talk to Gamma in the commons" or something like that, it said "Talk to Gamma in austrilund." Hope this quest is fixed, so it doesn't confuse anyone else.
This can actually happen to all quests, it may say you need to go to Austrilund. Personally this has only happened to me once and i just went to a different 'place' (e.g Ravenwood to The Commons), and this fixed the issue for me.
This has happened before and it seems that it always happens either when they've done maintenance and it went wonky somewhere, or when the test realm is up. It's confusing for new players, but it will eventually be corrected.