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Balance Deck Setup

Dec 16, 2016
I have a question to anyone willing to answer,

I just reached level 42 for my balance wizard and i just got the hydra spell. I wanted to build a hydra oriented deck for balance bosses. Can anyone give me any suggestions on how big of a deck i should get, the type of cards and how many. I have up to feint in death school and i am working on getting satyr for life. I have every balance spell up to my level at the moment. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

Walk within the bound of equilibrium wizards.

Jun 14, 2016
Jul 24, 2015
MagnustheDemon on Jan 10, 2017 wrote:
I have a question to anyone willing to answer,

I just reached level 42 for my balance wizard and i just got the hydra spell. I wanted to build a hydra oriented deck for balance bosses. Can anyone give me any suggestions on how big of a deck i should get, the type of cards and how many. I have up to feint in death school and i am working on getting satyr for life. I have every balance spell up to my level at the moment. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

Walk within the bound of equilibrium wizards.
I have a level 112 wizard that I've been playing a while. My advice would be:

-Reconsider using Hydra as your main attack spell. The damage per pip is very low, and the pip cost is high compared to other hits.
-Also reconsider training Life school for heals. Helping Hands and Availing Hands both compare very favorably to Satyr; both also use your in-school critical rating and your power pips.

Regarding deck construction, I'd suggest at least three different decks a follows:
-Main Deck for defeat and collect PvE duels. Use Sandstorms, especially once you reach Celestia and can train the extra damage enchants. Put one heal and a couple Reshuffles in this as well for emergencies, plus a few Balance Blades.
-Boss Deck with either Judgment or Spectral Blast, plus Hex, Feint, Balance Blade and shields as needed for each individual boss. Also add in a couple Reshuffles.
-PvP Deck similar to Boss Deck, above, only add in Weakness and TC Weakness.

Aside from PvP Deck, make your decks as small as possible. Calculate the minimum damage needed to kill each boss if you have a 25% Weakness cast on you (which will often be the case).

If your heart is truly set on a Hydra deck, get an Enchanted Armament pet in Mount Olympus from Gladiator Dimachaerus (he drops these frequently). Stack a Balance Blade, a [Sharpened Blade] Balance Blade, Elemental Blade, and [Sharpened Blade] Elemental Blade on yourself before hitting. Devote the remainder of the deck to reshuffles, some shields, and a couple heals.