Highest Resist Gear: Jade Gear Hat, Robe, Boots ---- Keeper Lore Pack Energy Hat, Robe, Boots ---- Wyvern Pack (2nd best) or Winter Wonder (best but Christmas seasonal) Critical wand ---- Harrowing Pack (Halloween seasonal) General wand (damage and stuff)---- Terror Pack or Road Warrior or Immortal Pack (stats are fairly close..I think lol you'll have to check out what stat you prefer) Life Mastery Amulet ---- (They go 50% off on St Patricks Day)
Maybe just a mount since you can get houses for gold too. But you can't get them all for gold.
Tour all the houses before choosing which one you want.
Then I'd just wait til something great came along. You might need crowns for hiring henchmen, for using potions, etc. in the future. It's nice to have a few when you need it.
I wouldn't rush to spend it all if you have 20,000 and no more ever.
You can WIN better gear than you buy in the crowns shop I think. Just try to go along with higher level players sometimes.
Go in all the shops in the shopping center. Get the music player and other things for gold. Music player is in Wizard City furniture shop.
Hello! Assuming you're a death wizard from the Avi I would say it all depends on your level. For packs I would go with road warriors as for gear The Forlorn Soul Attire has great stats for a questing wizard but you must be level 70+
thank you but I already have the Music player and Gravulum Lodestone.
Daniel Deathcaster
Those aren't crown items.
"Get a house and a mount" was my answer to your topic question. The player and lodestone were just "oh by the way" in case you (or others reading) didn't know where to purchase those.