hi I am wondering if anyone has any gear suggestions or ideas for balance pvp at 120. I'm not really sure where to start because most of the guides I've seen are lvl 110 or 110 and sort of outdated.
hi I am wondering if anyone has any gear suggestions or ideas for balance pvp at 120. I'm not really sure where to start because most of the guides I've seen are lvl 110 or 110 and sort of outdated.
This is what I use:
Krokopatra/Malistaire hat Rattlebones/ Malistaire robe Time Warden level 120 balance shoes Fortune Teller wand Grandfather Spider balance athame Rat amulet Alpha and Omega ring/PVP level100 ring Rat/Omen/Grandfather Spider deck (this MUST have a triangle socket)
You may have noticed that the Grandfather Spider athame does not have any power pip percentage boost. You will have to substitute two Lustrous Pip Opals into the athame and deck to make up for the lost statistic. Your power pip chance will then be around 90%. In order to make up for any lost accuracy, and also the accuracy that I could have added as a Jewel onto your athame/deck, I use a sniper jewel on my pet. (By the way, my pet has proof, triple damage, and defender, but it would be probably better if you just had double resist and triple damage).
Overall, your critical rating will be around 500, and your block will be around 33%. Your health will also be much higher than other balance wizards at your level, as practically everyone still uses the Morganthe/Yevgeny athames, giving you an advantage.