Let's make lists of names we would love to see for pets. If it's for the first column of pet names (Lady, Sir, etc.) then please note which column you mean.
Otherwise we'll assume it's for the second column. Yes I know it might be obvious but it never hurts to be specific. Thanks.
OK so some names I'd like to see (and I know I'm forgetting some!)
I would like some new titles (like King, Lord, etc.) Uncle and aunt are two I'd like to see, this might be a little weird once you first hear it, but if you think about it, it kind of makes sense. It doesn't have to be 'your' uncle, but it could be some other pet's uncle, in my case though, I was aiming at my uncle. You see, on my life account, I like to dress him up as a leprechaun, and I try to theme everything about him like a leprechaun, including the pet, which is a leprechaun. I also like to joke around and say my leprechaun pets are some of my different uncles, uncle Ben, uncle Joey, etc.
Kevin DeathHorn Finnigan WiildStone (See I even have an Irish name )
I want the titles to not just be colors, like also adjectives... I wanted to make my Blizzardcat be called Icy Gummy (or Blue Gummy), but, it's only titles, so I had to name it Gummy. I want Teddy to be a main name also... or maybe it's there and I missed it.