Hi I'm a 120 death wizard at this moment and I don't see the bad juju spell quest. When I was around the level you get it at, I never got the notification and now I really want it since it is helpful to me. I went to fianna on high road and nothing shows up :( please help Anna Ravenblood
Hi I'm a 120 death wizard at this moment and I don't see the bad juju spell quest. When I was around the level you get it at, I never got the notification and now I really want it since it is helpful to me. I went to fianna on high road and nothing shows up :( please help Anna Ravenblood
You can't train Bad JuJu. It is a creature's only spell EXCEPT, as an Item card or a TC that is sometimes dropped from Saw Palmetto or Ultra King Parsely or from a Rattlebones Rank 14 or Rank 7 dungeon. You can not buy, sell or trade this card.
Hi I'm a 120 death wizard at this moment and I don't see the bad juju spell quest. When I was around the level you get it at, I never got the notification and now I really want it since it is helpful to me. I went to fianna on high road and nothing shows up :( please help Anna Ravenblood
As seen on Central, the prerequisite quest for getting Bad Juju requires you to have the spell Mass Infection. If you do not have that, then the prerequisite quest for that requires you to get Virulent Plague. You are required to complete a portion of Wintertusk to get that quest for Virulent Plague.
You can continue to view the prerequisite quests before the one required for Virulent Plague if you do not have it.
Before you can earn Bad Juju, there are three other spells you must get first. You train for two of them in Grizzlehiem, but won't be offered the first quest until you're level 35 or higher AND you quested to the opening of Mirkholm Keep. If you didn't do Grizzleheim, you need to go back and complete it now.
At level 35/Mirkholm, Erik Wyrdruin in Grizzleheim will offer you the "Thief of Spells" quest, allowing you to earn Dark Pact.
At level 55/Sudriland (Wintertusk), Erik Wyrdruin in Grizzleheim will offer you "The Runedown," a quest that will earn Virulent Plague.
At level 72/High Road, Friar Nolan in Caliburn will offer you the "No Pain, No Agravaine" quest for Mass Infection.
At level 75/The Wild, Fianna Yellowknife in High Road will offer you the quest, "Always After Me Charms," and that will finally earn you the Bad Juju spell!
Also at level 75/Completion of Runedown quest, you'll be summoned by The Professor in Marleybone to do the quest "Bad Schooling," which will earn you a Death Seraph minion called Malduit.
For death to get bad juju you'll have to have completed the Grizzleheim and Wintertusk quests to unlock the quest "No Pain, No Agravaine" given by Friar Nolan in Avalon's Caliburn. After doing that quest you'll unlock access to the quest "Always after me charms" that's given by Fianna Yellowknife in High Road.
You can't train Bad JuJu. It is a creature's only spell EXCEPT, as an Item card or a TC that is sometimes dropped from Saw Palmetto or Ultra King Parsely or from a Rattlebones Rank 14 or Rank 7 dungeon. You can not buy, sell or trade this card.
This is not correct for Death wizards. Bad Juju is a trained spell offered at level 75, after completion of the "Always After Me Charms" quest.