Yes it's me again. Frustrated again. I seem to be at the top edge of my current spells. Even with Wyldfire, Feint, Blades, Traps and X spells, it's taking me longer to dispatch the bosses. And of course, the longer it takes me the more untouchable they get. Prof. Ambrose came to me a couple levels ago to say that Goldpaw in Grizzleheim had a new spell for me and he would be contacting me. I never heard from him. Balestrom ask for an audience and let me know that I was due a couple new spells (really?) but I have to fight bosses to get them. First off I guess I should go back to Aquila. Last time I got booted out of there I decided to level some more and try again. I guess it's time. I broke down and bought my Mastery Amulet but I still don't see why it's so hotsy-totsy. I get side quests but they turn out to be 2 hour dungeons where the concierge says I need 4 people. I play this game for fun and a 2 hour dungeon is not a lot of fun. I have asked to team up on occasion after I'd been beaten three or four times but I don't feel I should push the "Team up" button for a 2 hour dungeon. Maybe Aquila in the morning.
The problem likely caused by inadequate gear and using the wrong spells.
First, your gear. If you're at level 59, going back to Mt. Olympus in Aquila doesn't make sense. That dungeon provides level 30 gear and you are way past that.
Instead, push ahead and get yourself to level 60. Do the prequests in Triton Avenue and Crab Ally that get Waterworks unlocked. Join team-up and farm the heck out of that dungeon. The robe, hat and boots will revolutionize your life. They provide universal defenses, damage and critical, and are strong enough to carry you for 30 levels.
Next, your spells. You mentioned the "x-pip," which is Tempest. It gives 80 damage per pip and that's great ... until you do the math and some comparisons. At 7 pips, the Tempest does 560 damage and leaves your pips wiped out. Meanwhile, at 7 pips your Storm Lord does 690 damage. In order to make your Tempest do 690 or more damage, you need 9 pips.
That is not efficient.
560 vs 690 at 7 pips? Use Storm Lord as your AoE from now on.
Now, for boss damage.
Triton is a 6 pip spell that does 795-875. Meanwhile, Tempest requires 10 pips to match that level of damage (80x10=800). That's 4 pips wasted.
Leviathan is an 8 pip spell that does 1030 damage. Meanwhile, Tempest requires 13 pips to match (80x13=1040). That's 5 pips wasted.
It's time to retire Tempest.
If you don't have Leviathan yet, it's because you need to listen to Balestrom and yes, go fight that boss.
Getting onto spells and summons from Grizzleheim....
First question: Did you do the world of Grizzleheim? If not, then stop what you're doing right now and go finish all of Grizzleheim. You are depriving yourself of very useful spells and all future pets if you don't.
When you open up the third area (Mirkholm Keep), then you go back to Olde Town in Wizard City and talk to Baldur Goldpaws. For the purposes of your spells, he's in Wizard City, not in Grizzleheim. You'll find him down by the Bazaar, where you first met him. He'll give you the quest "I Know a Guy."
You will get "Supercharge," an x-pip blade.
Keep going until you open up Wintertusk. Eventually, when you've opened up Sudriland, you'll hear from Baldur Goldpaws again. Again, meet him in Wizard City by the Bazaar and he'll give you the quest, "The Spell Trade." It gives you Insane Bolt.
Doing these quests will prepare you for very useful spells in Avalon, including Healing Current (which is Storm's healing spell). They will also set you up to get all future pets, at levels 58, 78, 98, 118, etc. At level 58, you should have gotten Triton if you were up-to-date on Grizzleheim/Wintertusk quests.
The mastery amulet should be Life, and the "hotsy-totsy" point of having one is that a Pixie costs you 2 pips instead of 4. A Satyr costs 4 pips instead of 8. You can use your yellow power pips to heal with the same efficiency that a Life wizard has.
And finally ... you're in the Second Arc. The first Arc (up through Dragonspyre) was designed for kids but the second arc gets more challenging. You're going to have to get the best gear possible if you want to solo; or rely on teamwork if you don't want to put in the time farming dungeons for the best gear. If you want to "relax" with a fast and easy game, then in all honesty, you need to make team-up your best friend.
Since Freshta did the great job of setting down the theory and foundation, please apply what she mentioned because it's very important!
I mentioned last time to forgo your Myth Mastery (It's useless, instead, you can opt to get a life mastery [Optional] or Shango's Amulet which provides an extra Stackable Stormblade Card).
Now, as a Storm, you mentioned that you're hitting, battles take longer etc. This as you know should not be the case for Diviners. We're not built for longevity. So:
Re-work Strategy - How large are your decks? Do you enchant your cards? Are you using the necessary Astral Spells? An enchanted Kraken I must say will can do as much as 745-805 damage [enchanted with Gargantuan]. As you can see, this rivals Triton and it's for only four pips. So, I will say again, enchanting your cards before attacking makes a huge difference.
Gear - I agree with what was mentioned above. Try holding out until level 60 then do the Waterworks Dungeon available in Crab Alley. The quest will be first given to you by your professor. Employ Team-Up here and stay consistent! Don't leave until you've at least your robe and hat. Your wand needs updating. I'm assuming you've the Jelly Wand given to you as a quest reward? As the game updates with new gear, you've to take advantage. Some of the old methods will only make things difficult to you. As such, I highly suggest returning to Mount Olympus for the Sky Iron Hasta.
Grizzleheim - Visit Grizzleheim and learn your spells.
Pet - What pet are you using? You may want to look into trying to gain a decent pet. The game content only rises in difficulty from here.
When going up against a boss and his foes. You've feint, use it. Feint the boss (and mob if needed), later, you won't have to employ this tactic much.
Use your charms (Stormblades including Treasures, Elemental Blade etc.)
Darkwind is optional as remember, you're trying to build up pips here.
Enchant all your attacks, especially your major hits. Use Storm Lord here for example, not Tempest.
Amplify helps (in damage) while Fortify helps (in protection/resists).
Use Treasures. If need be, visit Bazaar and purchase TC's such as Blades, maybe couple Healing Currents and/or anything you may think you'll need. They're there for a reason.
Ensure you cover your defenses. Use your shields.
Every school boss is not the same. Ice bosses in my opinion can be the most dangerous alongside myth. Ice bosses and mobs can not only shield effectively but can also dish out strong damage. Keep in mind that they use Ice Kraken and Icezilla which do the same damage as the Storm counterparts. Only difference is that it is more since they are using Ice Charms (Iceblades) and Wards (Ice Traps as opposed to Storm Traps). Be careful.
Exercise caution when fighting myth mobs as well. Medusa (as it stuns for two turns in a row) can be annoying and even Bailisks.
Lastly, anticipate your opponent's move (based on their pips) and counter. Always expect the worse, that way, you'll know how to effectively counter it.
Thank you for your honesty Freshta I have a tendency to skip around worlds because I get bored. I didn't realize Grizzlehiem is so important. Now I will finish it. The X card I've been using is Storm Lord (?) but I can't count on him to be consistant. I always wondered why we wizards get punished for keeping ourselves alive ( 2 power pips for Pixie), now the Life amulet makes sense.
Now another question. What prequests in Triton and Crab Ally? I've heard talk about Waterworks and never knew where it is or how to get there.
Thank you Edward. Lots of good info. I have a Storm hound. What do you recommend?
Another thing that's happening is that I get caught up in attack and I don't want to use the pips to heal. I have to figure out some balance here. I can't kill them if I'm not alive. The star and sun spells are in my deck and I use them. I could get treasure cards until I can get the next level spells. I try to put the Darkwind out every time. I only have to cast it once and it does help. I'm just too slow.
Thanks you two for holding my hand, Alexis lvl 59 Storm
Thank you for your honesty Freshta I have a tendency to skip around worlds because I get bored. I didn't realize Grizzlehiem is so important. Now I will finish it. The X card I've been using is Storm Lord (?) but I can't count on him to be consistant. I always wondered why we wizards get punished for keeping ourselves alive ( 2 power pips for Pixie), now the Life amulet makes sense.
Now another question. What prequests in Triton and Crab Ally? I've heard talk about Waterworks and never knew where it is or how to get there.
Thanks again, Alexis lvl 59 Storm
Hi Alexis,
Storm Lord is not an x-pip card, it's the god-like guy who hits and then stuns everyone for 7 pips. You earned him at level 48. The x-pip spell is Tempest, it looks like a tidal wave. The more pips you have, the more powerful this spell becomes, and it's great up until you earn Triton & Storm Lord. Now that you're Grandmaster and beyond, however, it's time to retire the tidal wave Tempest.
Crab Alley is located in Triton Avenue of Wizard City. There's an anchor down near where you fought the Kraken long ago, that takes you down below the streets to Crab Alley. When you hit level 60, you'll need to go see Blad Raveneye near the mill - he will send you on your way with a quest called "Under Pressure."
Here's a guide to Waterworks, which is handy to have. There are two cheating bosses. The first is relatively simple, but the second you really need to pay attention to his rules.
As for Grizzleheim, it's really important because it leads to Wintertusk, which is linked to most future pets and utility spells. Grizzlehiem doesn't give much experience. Wintertusk, on the other hand, gives out a ton of experience for Grandmaster and Legendary wizards and some of its drops sell for a fortune.
When you get to Sudrilund in Wintertusk, not only do you get a spell, you'll also find the second best gear for level 55+ is sold here for crafting. This is the best alternative to Waterworks you can get. Crafting is a lot of work, though. Some people say running Waterworks a bunch of times is easier.
Thank you Edward. Lots of good info. I have a Storm hound. What do you recommend?
Another thing that's happening is that I get caught up in attack and I don't want to use the pips to heal. I have to figure out some balance here. I can't kill them if I'm not alive. The star and sun spells are in my deck and I use them. I could get treasure cards until I can get the next level spells. I try to put the Darkwind out every time. I only have to cast it once and it does help. I'm just too slow.
Thanks you two for holding my hand, Alexis lvl 59 Storm
A good rule of thumb for healing is to never let your health go below 2000 for very long. When you are at 2000 or lower health, you are one critical hit away from death. So when you see your health go that low, it's time to take stock of your situation.
Consider how many pips your enemy has plus where you are in the battle. Are they low on pips? Are you 1 or 2 turns away from hitting? Then go ahead and hit hard to end the battle ASAP.
But ... if they're surrounded by glowing yellow pips and you're several turns away from hitting, still in the process of setting up, then you need to take a moment and heal yourself.
Storm is the school that takes risks, but they should be calculated risks. If you can't hit them hard and fast enough to kill them right then, the only hope you have is healing yourself enough to get through the next couple of rounds until you're ready to strike.
And that brings me to a final point, that Storm might not be the best school for your personality. Are you a risk taker? Do you love the thrill of living on the edge and barely escaping with your life? That's the kind of person who thrives in the Storm school. But if you're more cautious or patient, then there are other options that might suit you better. Experimenting for a while with another school might give you different insights into the game that ultimately will help you carry your Storm wizard through to the end.
For example, I didn't really start enjoying my Storm until after I'd taken my younger Fire & Balance wizards all the way to 100. Those two schools suit my personality better, and their unique approaches to battle gave me ideas on playing my Storm more successfully once I went back to her.
Thank you Edward. Lots of good info. I have a Storm hound. What do you recommend?
Another thing that's happening is that I get caught up in attack and I don't want to use the pips to heal. I have to figure out some balance here. I can't kill them if I'm not alive. The star and sun spells are in my deck and I use them. I could get treasure cards until I can get the next level spells. I try to put the Darkwind out every time. I only have to cast it once and it does help. I'm just too slow.
Thanks you two for holding my hand, Alexis lvl 59 Storm
I get caught up in attack and I don't want to use the pips to heal. I have to figure out some balance here. I can't kill them if I'm not alive
So, let's talk about this for a little. I'm guessing at level 59, you've about, say 3,500 health? Or around that? Now, usually, I'd recommend healing once you're down at about half of that. But, if your enemies have no pips, then they can't harm you, right? (Disregarding cheating mobs here). That being said, at this point, you're usually safe to attack, especially if your hit is going to kill.
Remember I mentioned to you about having a small deck? Did you apply this method? Often times, our own detriment could be because of overloaded decks. Give me a rundown of the cards you've in your deck(s).
About the Storm Hound well, the pet has a lot of selfish talents meaning, talents that are only of use to itself for derby performance. It has no benefit on your stats whatsoever, making them useless in PvE. So, given those odds, I wouldn't recommend using it too much. Instead, for basic storm pets, I'd recommend the Kraken. It has spritely (which can provide to be useful), stormgiver among a few other useful talents.
In addition to it providing spell I've been telling you about (Healing Current which can prove to be very useful), it has a far array of decent talents for a first generation pet.
Thank you Edward. Lots of good info. I have a Storm hound. What do you recommend?
Another thing that's happening is that I get caught up in attack and I don't want to use the pips to heal. I have to figure out some balance here. I can't kill them if I'm not alive. The star and sun spells are in my deck and I use them. I could get treasure cards until I can get the next level spells. I try to put the Darkwind out every time. I only have to cast it once and it does help. I'm just too slow.
Thanks you two for holding my hand, Alexis lvl 59 Storm
"Thanks you two for holding my hand"
It's messages like these why I love the boards so much. Love how we can come together as one to help each other out!
The advice given here is excellent Alexis. I'm here trying to think of what else I could possible add other than the fact that the school becomes an actual beast as soon as you reach level 60 with excellent gear. I'm a little freaked out. 3500 Health? Try 2450. What did I miss? I'm doing everything I can think of to get to lvl 60. Almost there. 3500? I think if I had 3500 I wouldn't feel so dejected.
Storm Hound does give me blades but only on his time. They are different from my deck blades so casting a spell uses both = 60%+ hit. I will check out Kraken and Frankenbunny. I'm old school I guess. Walking around with a Kraken at my side seems a little strange. Couldn't be any worse that all the stuff I walk by.
Took a team into Briskbreeze tower and found Culpepper. Didn't look like I got any credit for it but it's no longer in my quest book.
My deck: 3 Tower, 3 - 4 Triton, 3 blades, 2 (fist with +125), 1 green pixie, 1 satyr, 1 healing touch, 4 wand sparkles, 1 wand enhance, 1 Darkwind, I already know this is too much because sometimes my tritons don't even come up until late. And all that time I'm getting pounded. I will shave it down. I'm still trying to beat the Mooshu guy and get the worms for Laviathan.
Another thing I ran into. You're a sly one Edward. Telling me a Kraken would be a good pet for a Storm and I'm supposed to get the egg for it at lvl 58. Good ol' Wiki. The problem is...for the last 2 levels I've been trying to talk to Ivaldi Silverpelt in Nordrilund for the quest "Egg of the Storm". The quest arrow leads me to the boat (in Grizzleheim) but no further. Am I supposed to get on the boat? Where's Ivaldi?
Your health sounds about right for Storm, which is always lowest. At level 59, your base health is only 1357. Your school has the lowest health, which doesn't give you much to work with.
For your deck set-up, take out one Tower shield. The blades and enchants ('fist' spells) sound about right. I'm not sure what you mean by "wand enhance." Take out Healing Touch, as it's a waste. Replace it with either a green pixie or a satyr. (Healing touch is a 0-pip minor heal for less than 100 health. If you meant Healing Current,however, then go ahead and keep that in.)
Where is your Storm Lord?
That should be your first hit, as it can take out the minion while also doing damage to the boss. Pack 2 Storm Lords, 2 Tritons.
Hopefully Edward will chime in with more refined advice for your spell deck.
Edward's advice to get the Kraken pet is exactly what I meant when I said you need to finish Grizzleheim and Wintertusk. Ivaldi Silverpelt is locked up in the third area of Wintertusk. You won't be able to get that pet until you quest for quite a long while.
Frankenbunny is a Halloween special pet that gives up to three Healing Current spell cards. If you already have it, great! If you don't, it won't be available for quite a while except through hatching.
Wand sparkles look like sparklers as opposed to the cards that are attached to some wands. I would usually carry a Myth wand so I can remove a Myth shield next to my prism. Not sure why I'm still carrying this Life thing. It works. I'll see what I have in my stash. Edward mentioned Shango's Stormblade Amulet. That's out of Zafaria, as in out of my reach right now. Upward and onward.
I might be reading this wrong, but it sounds like you don't have Elemental Blade or any traps in your deck. Those might be a good idea to add if you haven't yet added them. You can learn Elemental Blade and Elemental trap from the Balance tree in Krokotopia (although I'm told the Elemental trap is not such a good spell). I've never played Storm though, so I don't really know what the best blades/traps are for you.
That's it. The pixie is there in case things get a little heated. In your side deck, you can place TC storm blades or couple heals or a tower.
Boss Deck
3 Stormblades 2 Elemental Blades 4 Tower Shields 2 Satyrs 2 Pixies 2 Thermic Shield (If facing or boss) 5 Gargantuans 2 Fortify 1-2 Amplify 3 Krakens 4 Stormlords 3 Tempest 2 Tritons 2 Feints 1 Storm Trap 1-2 Darkwind Side Deck - Again, TC Blades. If you're facing a storm mob, place a storm prism here since it'll be easier to find.
Try these decks and let me know how it works for you.
Notice that I've kraken there. The spell is extremely useful when enchanted, heck, you can even throw lighting bats there (it's what I use now, I don't have much reasons to use anything higher than Kraken).
It is also essential you enchant your cards, which is why there are so many gargantuans there. Fortify helps to defend against damage while you buff and build pips.
I don't have supercharge there as the spell just seems like a waste as it eats up all your pips.
Your small deck is meant to just blade, enchant and attack all within the space of four-five rounds. This is where Tempest becomes useful, when enemies survive by a small amount of health. Temp should dispatch them.
Now, as you progress through the worlds, mobs and bosses will desists using their school shields they are weak to until you get to late Azteca.
So, you don't necessarily have to worry about convert unless you're facing balance and storm mobs and you just so unluckily converted within the same turn after the balance mob used spiritual shield or something on the storm mob.
That being said, you don't have a reason to carry an off school wand for that purpose. Just a thought.
Yes, I mentioned Shango's Amulet. It's available from Bazaar as well, but it goes for at least 25,000 last time I remembered. Amulets also drop from Nastrond (Last instance in Wintertusk) which you can also use.
As mentioned above, I glad you picked up on my point about the Kraken Pet there :P But, as you now know, the Frankenbunny is a great alternative.
My final entry in this particular exchange stream. Some of you might be disappointed reading it but I'm good with my decision. Alexis Dawnbreaker lvl 60 Storm has retired. One thing I love about this game is that it's so varied and there's so much to do that everyone can find something they're excited about. And I did. My Storm wizard was powerful and fierce but only to a certain point. I just got zeroed out of one too many lairs and said "I'm so tired of this." It's hard to tell exactly the reason. Maybe Storm wasn't the right school. Maybe I'm too lazy to take the game to the higher levels. I learned a lot. And I will be putting that knowledge to good use in my lives with two other wizards. It's possible that Fire or Balance will be a better fit for me. We will see. Thank you again for having my back. I'm sure you'll hear from me again. Oh, one more question. I bought back all the training points attached to her. Do they just disappear? Later......
Sydney Skyblood lvl 17 Fire Cori Shadowcloud lvl 7 Balance
That's a little disappointing to hear, especially since the above two worked so hard in attempts to offer key advice that is perfect for bettering your storm.
Don't delete her though (if you haven't already), just take that break and do as you said, play your other wizards.
The advice mentioned above should still be applied to your other two wizards as well, or you're going to run into the same problems you did on your storm (might not be as rampant though).