I am sorry if I posted this in the wrong category, but it did not really fit any of them. XD
Recently, like within the past few weeks, I got interested in look at Wizard101's Official Forums because I know it is an important aspect of communicating about the game. I understand player's from other games (not going to name any) use their official forums often. I thought it was a good idea for me to get involved. I am sure some of you come on all the time, others come on every now and then, while most people from what I observe, do not use the forums or do not even know they exist! I do hope for people to become more involved in using the forums, so that's why I am trying to do. As an avid Wizard101 player for 8 years and also dedicated to social media related to Wizard101, I wish the forums were more active. However, I am here to ask one question:
How often do you use Wizard101's Official Forums?
I hope people can share their thoughts and insights in hopes to make the forums a more active and social place for the game.
Re: How often do you use Wizard101's Official Forums?
I have a strict morning ritual. Boot the computer, check personal and business email, check Facebook, check forums, garden and Gravulum, by then it's time for me to get my wife up and ready for work.
Re: How often do you use Wizard101's Official Forums?
I browse the Wizard101 (and Pirate101) official forums at least once a day. However, depending on what I see, I don't always log in and respond. I try to only respond to posts/threads that I feel could value from my input, rather than just spamming messages because I can. Quality over quantity I say. :)
Glad you're looking to become more active here! Hope you stick around.
Re: How often do you use Wizard101's Official Forums?
Well, the message boards especially over here on Wiz can get pretty active from time to time, especially when controversial topics arise.
I must admit though that they're times when I am not inclined to post or "get involved" as you put it as there are trolls etc. out their who just enjoy instigating arguments or giving misleading information.