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Mount Viewmodel/Camera Bug

May 27, 2009
So I bought the Soaring Eagle mount last year and it was fine. I took a break from the game and came back to playing this week. As you may know, some flying mounts will cause the camera to move up a little so that your entire wizard may be centered. Well, everything was fine, but as I was flying to my next destination, my viewmodel dropped to the position as if I was walking. It seems to fix when I unequip/re-equip an item. It doesn't have to be the mount itself, it can be any item. It will periodically do this throughout my playing. If I don't unequip/re-equip, the camera will just stay bugged until I do. It can't be something I am doing/pressing/clicking because it has done it when I am completely idle.

(Screenshots removed as they are against the site rules; however, I have saved the pictures separately for QA review. ~Dworgyn)

Thank you in advance for reading and if we find a solution.