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Adult chat option!

Jan 11, 2012
The only issue I have ever had with KI's filters is the one sided nature of it. There are items in the game, with names we can't say. Don't believe me? Try saying the word Grape. If we arent allowed to say it, then why is it even in the game? I am not any kind of bandwagon person, I just feel that if the word is bad, then it should be ALL bad, and not used, ever, by anyone. There are 5 instances of pet snacks, and 4 instances of it in seeds. This is only 9 items that could be easily renamed. It seems like a double standard, and I've mentioned it before. if a word can't be said by players, it shouldn't ever be in the game at all, period, full stop. I totally agree with people who say use skype/discord/whatever else. Swear like a trucker/sailor there

Sep 15, 2013
Yes, by all means, please be offended by something you'd never see! LOL!

Mar 16, 2012
I don't consider swearing or lewd conversations as "adult". This is a CHILD'S game we're playing; why do you want to talk politics? You can do that anywhere at any time. Unfortunately,most teens know and use these words every day, all the time, they think they're being "cool" and adult by using these words, but many adults I know almost never use those words in every day conversation.
You want to converse with adults without being reported? Use private chat or go to your house and talk there! No need to go to the Commons and have your chats in front of those older than 13, in either open or filtered chat.
And btw, I very good at "reading between the lines" of filtered chat conversations. ( I don't choose to apply for Open chat. )
That you were reported for "inappropriate" conversation just tells most of us here that you were over-stepping the boundaries of KI policy, which you agreed to when down-loading the game. This is a contract and an adult would abide by it. KI has the right to take any sanctions against those not abiding by their rules. You do not say whether KI took any actions on this report, if they didn't, then, they recognized that your conversation was within the rules and you have no reason to complain.
You're in KingsIsle's house, their game, their rules.

Oct 08, 2018
In all reality, this is, and always has been, a game for children.
It just so happens that those kids who started playing when the game first came out (referring to us) are now grown adults. Though we're all grown up now, there are just as many children on this game as there are adults, so adding an "adult chat" wouldn't really do anyone any good. There would be no real way to separate the two chats from one another, and the possibility of a child accidentally wandering into the "mature chat" is very likely to happen. That wouldn't be good for any of us, really.
Kings Isle built their reputation around a younger audience, and with that came their popularity.
It was really the first game any child was ever able to actually enjoy without endless profanities, slurs and inappropriate content (NSFW, more specifically). Hence why millions of parents have never once had anything negative to say about the company or their games, and have even found themselves playing them.
My point is, Wizard101 and Pirates101 were made for younger audiences, and there's no real reason to add a "mature chat" for any given reason. That's just the fact. It's hard for young teens and children to find games these days that they can just sit down and enjoy without having to worry about a toxic community. That's really the bottom line of it. The less toxic a community is, the more fun anyone and everyone can have.
I, personally, enjoy being able to play without having to listen to a bunch of adults going haywire on each other for no valid reason. That's not being negative about this idea, it's just being realistic. Everyone knows how people can get with an open chat/open audience system, and it's not flattering, even in the slightest.
Chris RainbowLeaf - lv. 28

Mar 16, 2012
dayerider on Oct 16, 2018 wrote:
The only issue I have ever had with KI's filters is the one sided nature of it. There are items in the game, with names we can't say. Don't believe me? Try saying the word Grape. If we arent allowed to say it, then why is it even in the game? I am not any kind of bandwagon person, I just feel that if the word is bad, then it should be ALL bad, and not used, ever, by anyone. There are 5 instances of pet snacks, and 4 instances of it in seeds. This is only 9 items that could be easily renamed. It seems like a double standard, and I've mentioned it before. if a word can't be said by players, it shouldn't ever be in the game at all, period, full stop. I totally agree with people who say use skype/discord/whatever else. Swear like a trucker/sailor there
There's a very good reason why the word "grape" is filtered. Players began abusing it as a "sounds like" word with sexual overtones. I'm glad KI put a stop to this by banning "grape".

Jan 11, 2012
anecorbie on Oct 17, 2018 wrote:
There's a very good reason why the word "grape" is filtered. Players began abusing it as a "sounds like" word with sexual overtones. I'm glad KI put a stop to this by banning "grape".
Clearly, you misunderstood my post. As I stated in my post, KI feels it is a bad word, and doesnt let US say it, but it is in words THEY can say. If it is bad enough to filter from being spoken, then it should be removed from the game entirely. Either the word is all BAD, or it is all GOOD. It shouldn't be BOTH. All Im asking for is a cohesive statement from the company; the word is bad, so we completely removed it. Not, It's ok for us to say it but not for you to say it, which is exactly what we have now.

Aug 23, 2016
The Druid on Oct 17, 2018 wrote:
In all reality, this is, and always has been, a game for children.
It just so happens that those kids who started playing when the game first came out (referring to us) are now grown adults. Though we're all grown up now, there are just as many children on this game as there are adults, so adding an "adult chat" wouldn't really do anyone any good. There would be no real way to separate the two chats from one another, and the possibility of a child accidentally wandering into the "mature chat" is very likely to happen. That wouldn't be good for any of us, really.
Kings Isle built their reputation around a younger audience, and with that came their popularity.
It was really the first game any child was ever able to actually enjoy without endless profanities, slurs and inappropriate content (NSFW, more specifically). Hence why millions of parents have never once had anything negative to say about the company or their games, and have even found themselves playing them.
My point is, Wizard101 and Pirates101 were made for younger audiences, and there's no real reason to add a "mature chat" for any given reason. That's just the fact. It's hard for young teens and children to find games these days that they can just sit down and enjoy without having to worry about a toxic community. That's really the bottom line of it. The less toxic a community is, the more fun anyone and everyone can have.
I, personally, enjoy being able to play without having to listen to a bunch of adults going haywire on each other for no valid reason. That's not being negative about this idea, it's just being realistic. Everyone knows how people can get with an open chat/open audience system, and it's not flattering, even in the slightest.
Chris RainbowLeaf - lv. 28
Where I come from there is but one response when one has eloquently spoken and there is little that I can add except...

Amen Brother! Preach it!


The Ghoststalker Brothers

Dec 09, 2008
Closing this thread due to the conversation responses we're now receiving being out of the bounds of being approved. Thanks all for your feedback here!