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Balance Wizard Frustrations.

Apr 18, 2011
Why is it that Balance wizards are so bad at fighting general enemies compared to the other schools? Every other school has an aoe spell and a good blade that, when combined result in a one hit KO on every basic enemy. Balance doesn't have that! It is so frustrating in a game where 90% of quests are "go kill 5 of this type of random enemy. it should be easy unless you're a balance wizard, you guys are going to have to spend the next hour fighting these weak random goons because it takes you over fifteen turns to win a basic mob fight lol"

I wish Balance had a quick way to buff up their aoe spells, it's getting really frustrating playing a character that is 10x slower than every other wizard 10 levels below me because I don't have any good blades.

Is there any hope for a balance rework?