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Pre-Paid cards with maycast jewels

Jul 03, 2009
I've recently come back to playing w101 and iit has come to my attention that there are special pre-paid cards at locations such as Krogers and Albertsons that give really powerful may cast jewels. I don't have the luxury of these locations near me and this seems rather unfair to where players are located. I don't know if this is just an attempt to keep these places afloat, but these cards should be sold in more mainstream places like Walmart and Target as well or have the option to purchase them on the w101 website. If not, they should at least be a really rare drop in game as these are really powerful jewels that give an unfair advantage.

Mar 05, 2018
Jack Firebreaker on Jul 6, 2019 wrote:
I've recently come back to playing w101 and iit has come to my attention that there are special pre-paid cards at locations such as Krogers and Albertsons that give really powerful may cast jewels. I don't have the luxury of these locations near me and this seems rather unfair to where players are located. I don't know if this is just an attempt to keep these places afloat, but these cards should be sold in more mainstream places like Walmart and Target as well or have the option to purchase them on the w101 website. If not, they should at least be a really rare drop in game as these are really powerful jewels that give an unfair advantage.
i agree compleatly. the other day i wanted to get a jewel that gives may cast brace, but they arent sold anywhere near me. i hope they can change that.
eric deathsword 30

Dec 09, 2008
Jack Firebreaker on Jul 6, 2019 wrote:
I've recently come back to playing w101 and iit has come to my attention that there are special pre-paid cards at locations such as Krogers and Albertsons that give really powerful may cast jewels. I don't have the luxury of these locations near me and this seems rather unfair to where players are located. I don't know if this is just an attempt to keep these places afloat, but these cards should be sold in more mainstream places like Walmart and Target as well or have the option to purchase them on the w101 website. If not, they should at least be a really rare drop in game as these are really powerful jewels that give an unfair advantage.
We do indeed have other locations such as Gamestop. Check out the offerings here: https://www.wizard101.com/game/prepaid-card

Aug 03, 2014
Sparck. on Jul 8, 2019 wrote:
We do indeed have other locations such as Gamestop. Check out the offerings here: https://www.wizard101.com/game/prepaid-card
Hi Sparck,

He's talking specifically about the Kroger cards etc. On the link you added it verifies his point, 'Kroger prepaid card is currently only available in the north Texas area'.

The bought jewels with these cards are different from those ingame - they give the pet 2 additional talents, not just 1. They're a big deal and the distribution area is very limited. I see Jack's point, they give a significant advantage.

Please could you ask the team if they are looking to make these more widely available or as drops?

Jul 03, 2009
Sparck. on Jul 8, 2019 wrote:
We do indeed have other locations such as Gamestop. Check out the offerings here: https://www.wizard101.com/game/prepaid-card
I checked the link you provided, but it didn't seem to answer my question. I'm able to purchase prepaid cards from a variety of locations nearby, but the Kroger, Safeay, Albertsons and Vons prepaid cards are the ones I'm referring towards. These are the only prepaid cards that provide the may cast jewels that I'm seeking that aren't found anywhere else as far as I know except mainly the Texas area. What I was alluding towards in my prior question was the inclusion on mainstream locations like Gamestop for the same jewels. These jewels provide a tactical advantage in some ways and having them limited in these locations seems disadvantageous to the player. In addition, many of the mainstream locations such as Gamestop have given out the same redeemed items for years and haven't been updated like the ones I'm talking about in terms of may cast jewels. I'm eager to purchase these cards solely for the jewels, but I shouldn't need to fly to Texas or drive out of state for a prepaid card. What I'd suggest is having a way to buy these prepaid cards and the jewels they provide on the w101 website so everyone can be indulge in these exclusive in game items. If I'm ill informed and Gamestop does provide similar may cast jewels in prepaid cards then please clarify because the stores listed above seem to be the only providers.

May 28, 2012
@ Spark: I do believe that Jack Firebreaker is speaking about the following cards:

“Kroger $10 Prepaid Card is currently only available in the North Texas area. The following rewards are available with this card when redeemed in the month of July 2019: Miasma Opal Jewel with 1 Weakness Card also includes the with May Cast Enfeeble and an Energy Elixir
And the Kroger $20 Prepaid Card is currently only available in the North Texas area. The following rewards are available with this card when redeemed in the month of July 2019: Undauntable Opal Jewel which hasMay Cast Brace and an Energy Elixir”
Gift cards with Jewels giving two talents and being available to a limited population seems a bit unfair. When redeemed in a different month the Jewels give something different. There is one month particularly that giver the talent of May cast Pigsie.

Mar 18, 2009
Jack Firebreaker on Jul 8, 2019 wrote:
I checked the link you provided, but it didn't seem to answer my question. I'm able to purchase prepaid cards from a variety of locations nearby, but the Kroger, Safeay, Albertsons and Vons prepaid cards are the ones I'm referring towards. These are the only prepaid cards that provide the may cast jewels that I'm seeking that aren't found anywhere else as far as I know except mainly the Texas area. What I was alluding towards in my prior question was the inclusion on mainstream locations like Gamestop for the same jewels. These jewels provide a tactical advantage in some ways and having them limited in these locations seems disadvantageous to the player. In addition, many of the mainstream locations such as Gamestop have given out the same redeemed items for years and haven't been updated like the ones I'm talking about in terms of may cast jewels. I'm eager to purchase these cards solely for the jewels, but I shouldn't need to fly to Texas or drive out of state for a prepaid card. What I'd suggest is having a way to buy these prepaid cards and the jewels they provide on the w101 website so everyone can be indulge in these exclusive in game items. If I'm ill informed and Gamestop does provide similar may cast jewels in prepaid cards then please clarify because the stores listed above seem to be the only providers.

I made this same argument a year ago. HERE

Wizard101 is the only game I've played where you have an advantage in PvP simply by the real life location you live.