So my friend and I are making new characters together. He's already chosen Fire, but I don't know what school I should pick. I want to choose a school so that our schools can hopefully compliment each other, but I'm not quite sure what that would be. If anyone can provide some insight on what primary would be best, (and even secondaries), please do!
Life is probably the best school to aid someone questing as fire. Though it depends on how you like to play your games. Life essentially will keep the party healed while fire destroys your enemies, but offensively they're one of the weakest schools. Ice is another option, both cover each others weaknesses and can add more traps when converting; the only problem is ice hits low and usually is a tank class. Other than these 2 the rest are good in there own rights, but if we're talking end game options Life/ Fire is the best option. As for what to put your training points into, here is what I'd recommend.
Train Death up to feint as its a universally used spell.
Train reshuffle in colossus boulevard and stun block in unicorn way, both are useful utility spells.
Train the spirit and elemental trap/blade in krokotopia.
Train up to tower shield (is useful but optional as life gets access to more spells later on and too much points wasted early on hinders progression).
These will be the most useful spells to learn as a majority of the other schools don't benefit the fire school.
If you get more training points save them for later as astral schools come into play (don't bother with moon magic)
So my friend and I are making new characters together. He's already chosen Fire, but I don't know what school I should pick. I want to choose a school so that our schools can hopefully compliment each other, but I'm not quite sure what that would be. If anyone can provide some insight on what primary would be best, (and even secondaries), please do!
Thank you,
You might consider Ice as the opposite to your friend. Or Balance is very good for buffing and providing shields & Blades, it also includes some small heals.
Your friend has chosen quite a strong hitting school, so if you're looking to compliment them then choosing a support school would be the best bet in my opinion - Balance or Life in particular. :) Balance compliments any school, life is great for healing. You can also train into feint, elemental trap and elemental blade to help your friend out if you choose a school other than Balance
First off, allow me to congratulate you on you and your friend's decision to journey through the spiral together!
Fire is a great school to begin with, so I will speak to this first, then I will give my thoughts on a good complimentary school.
Now, I first want to dispel the myth about training only one secondary school until learning the last spell. This technique is surely to get you defeated. Instead, what you would want to do is to take spells (highlighted below) from multiple different schools that will compliment yours more effectively.
As it relates to your fire, here's what I recommend:
- Feint (This spell is available once you reach level 26). - Elemental Blades (Level 25) Elemental Traps (Level 20) - Satyr (This is optional as you can use Satyr treasures if need be). - All damage enchants such as Strong, Giant etc. - Save some points for this school specializing in auras as well.
That's it in relation to your fire.
Now, on to your friend's school.
I would strongly recommendas it is an ideal complementary school to yours. The school will gain access to valuable tools such as universal blades, traps and even heals that is sure to be extremely helpful to you.
The school (balance that is) is a bit more technical to use in later levels, but that isn't something we can't help you with.
The secondary spells remains the same as what I stated above with Satyr being the only exception. The school has access to healing spells, meaning, you won't have much need to use Satyr.
Life would be awesome because of its healing capabilities. As already pointed out, fire hits MUCH stronger than life does, so you would both have dedicated roles. If you're ok with that, give it a try. I love playing my life as a healer. It's a lot more fun than I thought it would be.
Ice is great because while they hit weaker than fire does, they can shield both people well and help reduce damage. If both of you use a wand that does opposite school damage (fire using a wand with ice hits, and ice using a wand with fire hits), you have many many spells to break shields. Also, once you learn elemental blades, you can both blade each other to boost damage output. Later on, you'll both have shield breaking spells (especially if you get the Reindeer Knight spell from Loremaster or pack drop).
If you want a strong hitting team, you could do storm or myth, but you would lose the elemental blade option noted above (for myth). Myth has an awesome advantage over other schools in Monstrology. Myth is the ONLY school that can bring 3 other Monstrology monsters into the circle. With you and your questing buddy, bringing in 2 other monsters into the battle can be a huge benefit on boss fights (especially solo fights). Storm hits the strongest, but they fizzle a lot early on so you would NEED gear (which includes a pet) that gives good accuracy.
I know I am severely late, but I say to choose based off of who you are as a person. When you select a school from the character select, look over all the descriptions and select off your personality.
Honestly, a lot of people are going to be on here telling you to play a more support school since he is fire. But storm is the easiest school to level. I’d go storm if you don’t have one already. Most of the pve and leveling content is killing them before they can kill you so a storm and fire would be great in this regard.
Honestly, a lot of people are going to be on here telling you to play a more support school since he is fire. But storm is the easiest school to level. I’d go storm if you don’t have one already. Most of the pve and leveling content is killing them before they can kill you so a storm and fire would be great in this regard.
I'm leveling up very quickly in Balance, without the constant fizzling my Storm Wiz experiences.
I'm leveling up very quickly in Balance, without the constant fizzling my Storm Wiz experiences.
Storm does most of it's struggling in the earlier levels, which is the shortest part of the game. Balance is quite a fun leveling experience, however you will hit slow points. As you get to higher and higher levels, storms stats and damaging spells far exceeds all other schools. Not that I am saying storm is the best school as there is none. However leveling through the entire spiral I have found it to be the fastest and easiest.
Storm does most of it's struggling in the earlier levels, which is the shortest part of the game. Balance is quite a fun leveling experience, however you will hit slow points. As you get to higher and higher levels, storms stats and damaging spells far exceeds all other schools. Not that I am saying storm is the best school as there is none. However leveling through the entire spiral I have found it to be the fastest and easiest.
That's fine; they asked us all to chime in. :)
Experiences and viewpoints will differ.
I have a level 50 + storm, and I haven't felt it was the fastest, or the easiest. The fizzling i still annoying to me. I do like the way they can hit right away (during battle), though.