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New Teleport Effects Ideas

Community Leader
I like the new teleport effects, and I think there are many more effects that could improve the use of this feature. We have Chick - a - bam, Sunshine, school themed fireworks, and the recently removed Rainbow. I think there could be some really coll unique school specific teleport effects, such as storm has a cloud that when lightning strikes you port, Ice you freeze into a block, enter loading screen, then that block breaks in your new location, etc. Maybe new whirlwind teleport effects like the whirlwind mounts. I hope to see more teleport effects in the future.

What teleport effects do you guys want to see in the future?

WhiteTiger93: Youtuber and Streamer Here --- Content Creator for Arcanum Archives. Check us out here for guides and events!
Dec 09, 2008
iWhiteTiger93 on Aug 21, 2019 wrote:
I like the new teleport effects, and I think there are many more effects that could improve the use of this feature. We have Chick - a - bam, Sunshine, school themed fireworks, and the recently removed Rainbow. I think there could be some really coll unique school specific teleport effects, such as storm has a cloud that when lightning strikes you port, Ice you freeze into a block, enter loading screen, then that block breaks in your new location, etc. Maybe new whirlwind teleport effects like the whirlwind mounts. I hope to see more teleport effects in the future.

What teleport effects do you guys want to see in the future?
Lots of great possibilities here! We'd like to hear more if anyone has other ideas.

Feb 12, 2015
What about teleport effects for the specific seasons? The Rainbow effect could be for spring, the new Ray of Sunshine for summer, and for autumn we could have a shower of falling leaves, and a flurry of snow for winter!

Feb 12, 2015
Oh! And how about something comical for April Fools? Like a portal falling onto you or something like that, accompanied by laughter, and then it spits you out at your destination with confetti!

And what about other festivities? For Easter we could have our Wizard be encapsulated in a colourful egg, and then it breaks open at our destination. And for Thanksgiving we could have turkey feathers in Chick-a-bam style. For Halloween we could have a couple spooky effects, like a cloud of bats (similar to the Duck of Death's over in Pirate), a black veil enveloping us and disappearing, and so on. And for Christmas, of course we'd have multicoloured lights and jingling!

Oct 12, 2017
That whirlwind does seem like a fantastic idea too, given the fact there’s tons of whirlwind mounts that exist in the game, besides the school version whirlwinds, basically just like a person that has a bunch of birds as their minion, all of the birds collide together to the player, thus picking them up and flying away or disappearing like magic, that could be one too, a whirlwind of birds if it doesnt exist already, since we have one of bats.

Jun 13, 2012
I would personally love a vibrant galaxy-themed teleport effect! Glittering and shining stars and puffs of coloured smoke in reds, magenta, black, and cyan all around would be beautiful. I would prefer more simple effects rather than gaudy over-the-top ones, myself.

Community Leader
Lookit Light on Aug 21, 2019 wrote:
What about teleport effects for the specific seasons? The Rainbow effect could be for spring, the new Ray of Sunshine for summer, and for autumn we could have a shower of falling leaves, and a flurry of snow for winter!
I love the idea of season port effects, they would be absolutely perfect for seasonal changes in the crown shop. I am excited to see where KI goes with new ports in the future

WhiteTiger93: Youtuber and Streamer Here --- Content Creator for Arcanum Archives. Check us out here for guides and events!
Community Leader
Miranda Dreamsong on Aug 22, 2019 wrote:
I would personally love a vibrant galaxy-themed teleport effect! Glittering and shining stars and puffs of coloured smoke in reds, magenta, black, and cyan all around would be beautiful. I would prefer more simple effects rather than gaudy over-the-top ones, myself.
That sounds amazing!!! I would love to see new space/galaxy/cosmos themed teleports!

WhiteTiger93: Youtuber and Streamer Here --- Content Creator for Arcanum Archives. Check us out here for guides and events!
Community Leader
With the Birthday vibes in the air, I got to thinking about the recent poll about new Birthday items, what about a Birthday teleport effect? There could be confetti, fireworks, particles, balloons, etc. A Happy Birthday Teleport effect!!!!

Happy 11th Birthday Wizard101

WhiteTiger93: Youtuber and Streamer Here --- Content Creator for Arcanum Archives. Check us out here for guides and events!