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Questions and Tips for September 2019 KI Live

Dec 09, 2008
Wizards! Post your KI Live September 2019 questions here if you want a chance to have them featured on KI Live! ONE question and/or tip PER PLAYER. If we see any spamming of questions or tips, we will automatically discount your submissions.

Keep in mind that we literally receive hundreds of submissions and only a handful are able to be answered. We will do our best to prioritize!

And also, please keep in mind that this is Pirate101's birthday KI Live, so we may be answering more questions for Pirates this time.

Designate in your post whether it is a [Question] or [Tip].

We will also have a screenshot request social post up soon. Watch for it!

KI Live is set for September 26 at 4pm CT

Thank you!

Feb 28, 2014
Question:There's a quest in The Grand Chasm, Dragonspyre that takes you back in time when the sky was blue with green trees on the platform and water pouring out from the pipes in the wall. How did sky became a gray, black and orange mist and water became lava later in time?

Feb 20, 2012
Question: What's the most commonly purchased item in the bazaar?

Jul 20, 2018
Question: How's Arc 4 coming along?

Tip: Don't overwhelm yourself with too many quests at once, especially if you're a completionist like me. Focus on getting one quest done at a time.

Feb 12, 2015
Gameplay tip: If you need help with a difficult boss, and no-one is doing Team-up or seems interested, you can ask for help in the Commons! Simply say what you need need help with, and change Realms if no-one answers. There are many kind Wizards who would be glad to help!

Question: The launch of the new Sinbad and the Iron Sultan gauntlet, with it's corresponding Sinbad Hoard Pack, was certainly a surprise. This got me thinking, how many "surprise releases" have happened in the past, and do you plan to do something like this for anything in future?

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009

What is the answer to BenStormDust's Question?

(: What's the most commonly purchased item in the bazaar?)

Good to be back to the forums :)

Mar 29, 2012
Here's a great tip for Healers:

If you are having trouble finding enough pips to keep your team alive when there are three of them, and one of you: Train the Empowerment aura in Celestia, then upgrade to Adapt in the Arcanum. If you cast this Aura in the first few rounds, you will always have more pips than your enemy, and have plenty to keep everyone alive.

I hope this helps.
Amber Ravynsong

Apr 08, 2015
Question: When are we going to be able to team up with friends for the Beastmoon Hunt event?
Tip: Before you log off wiz remember to equip you energy gear so next time you on you can have full energy.

Jan 18, 2010
* Happy Birthday To Pirates! *

I actually have a question tying both games together.


Does KI eventually, sometime within the near future has any plans or intention of having a few quests that will involve major P101 NPC's?

I'm sure many fans of both games would appreciate this!


Never sell your reagents! This vital necessity can become handy when attempting to craft or even transmute. You'll never know when you may need a particular reagent(s), no matter how common they may be.

Jul 14, 2013
[Question] Will the Krogers gift cards be made available online in the near future, or made available to all Krogers for the whole country instead of just a small region?

May 08, 2010
I have gotten to level 23 of the monstrology. It stopped at 10/1125. I have fought every high level creature I could find getting the animus but not the experience. It says we can get to level 25. How do I get the experience to go up again? There are also 4 worlds in the game where I have killed every creature using monstrology but cannot find the last few animus for those worlds.

Also a suggestion, many of us like the boss robes in the game. Are you going to possibly make them drops or let us craft them?