I'm just wondering what happen to all the family friendly Warlords went or just friendly Warlords went?
In 2nd age of rank pvp people try to help me in rank pvp they didn't care what others Warlords thought they would do 2v2 with me.
I'm just wondering what happen to those Warlords 1 was a guy warlord that helped me he was a storm wizard doing rank pvp.
And yes I think I did puppet once or twice but sometimes when you puppet you go against another puppet team so if both teams are puppetting is that really against the rules if we kinda going against each other?
I think it kinda helped those lower lvl not get the puppet team at that time because I was facing them.
And I still see puppetting today so it not really gone yet.
I'm mostly wondering where all the friendly Warlords went so if anyone knows please tell me I would love to add them as a friend.
Always be friendly to all players and be nice to Kingsisle
I'm just wondering what happen to all the family friendly Warlords went or just friendly Warlords went?
In 2nd age of rank pvp people try to help me in rank pvp they didn't care what others Warlords thought they would do 2v2 with me.
I'm just wondering what happen to those Warlords 1 was a guy warlord that helped me he was a storm wizard doing rank pvp.
And yes I think I did puppet once or twice but sometimes when you puppet you go against another puppet team so if both teams are puppetting is that really against the rules if we kinda going against each other?
I think it kinda helped those lower lvl not get the puppet team at that time because I was facing them.
And I still see puppetting today so it not really gone yet.
I'm mostly wondering where all the friendly Warlords went so if anyone knows please tell me I would love to add them as a friend.
Always be friendly to all players and be nice to Kingsisle
Sorry but warlords won’t be your friend unless you’re rich and have good gear and pet because they think they are better than everyone else.
Sorry but warlords won’t be your friend unless you’re rich and have good gear and pet because they think they are better than everyone else.
There have to be a few that don't go by that rule to be honest.
I'm trying to find them I got to warlord in 2nd age and I didn't go for the rich people at all.
I think Warlords should choose to help instead of being greedy when they are already over 2,000 rating.
Can you help me try to find the nice Warlord there might be a nice Heather wizard that use to be a Warlord it not Heatherthewizard through.
Hers irl name was Melissa and she was a really good friend and I think she will be Warlord even now if she still playing the game.
I have a Max Ice on a different account and I feel like everyone is just bulling me including kingsisle to make sure I can't win matches at all in there game on her.
I been trying so hard to get my dream robe on her but she loses to much so I don't know what to do anymore right now.
I wish people still did 2v2 that would help me out a lot but people started calling me a booster because I want to do 2v2 with the people that close to my lvl like 125 I'm already at lvl 130 and that just 5 lvl differnts and all the old Warlords said it wasn't puppeting.
The New Warlords call it boosting but what does the Old Warlords say about it?
I rather listen to the Old Warlords instead of the New Warlords.
There has to be at least 20 nice Warlords on this game.
They ca't all be 100% greedy for 2,000 rating you get nothing out of it so why even go to that rating?
I don't see a point getting to a 2,000 rating just be ignored my most players honesty.
And what number of the other kind? They get bragging rights out of it, and this rank appears to make them think they're the best at the entire game and you're something smelly they found on their shoe.
Warlords are Toxic, atleast most of them are. Only seen few actual befitting of a warlord. Regradless its one of many reasons people avoid Pvp. What will KI do? Offer you a crown shop deal to be Warlord faster
Warlords are Toxic, atleast most of them are. Only seen few actual befitting of a warlord. Regradless its one of many reasons people avoid Pvp. What will KI do? Offer you a crown shop deal to be Warlord faster
This is a thread because I'm looking for others that aren't selfish players in rank pvp and willing to help.
and i disagree with you about them being Toxic they just having a bad day irl so they use there's anger in rank pvp.
being called trash is rude but calling someone a noob is not really that bad at all.
Just because this account is new and I'm trying to find nice Warlords doesn't mean I hate the new Warlords and did I ask to become Warlord?
I just want Commander robe on all Wizards so don't judge a book by it cover.
1. Read the title of the book. 2. Read at least 10 chapters of the book.
And you might end of finishing the book at the end.
I use to play call of Duty on a Wii online and a player was taking my zombies out and to me he was being really nice but then he went down so i revive him and we become friends on that game.
So maybe if we give to others and if it just friendly name calls like being called a pig or puppet because you have a pig pet or you have that mask that I call puppets it not as rude as being called trash to be honest.
If Warlords quit reporting me for calling them a piglord and puppet Warlord. I promise I won't report those players that call me trash anymore.
It a comprise on both sides I will take there's name calling if they take my name calling.
And No I'm not Toxic and most Warlords on the game aren't Toxic irl to be honest calling them that it kinda more rude then I been on this message board.
I will start trying to be more family friendly to all players on the game and you should to.
Rank PVP name calling is just part of rank pvp that all it is.
I might say fake gg when i lose it just my style you can't really hate me for that can you?
I want the Warlords to also say it when they lose to me just say fake gg because to me it funny and I want more players to say that.
If you are a Warlord and I beat you just say fake gg and you will get no reports from me at all 0 reports.
I did it as a Warlord and I had friends cheering for the other player and when I beat them my friends said fake gg when I won.
I took it as a joke and kept on doing Rank PVP in 2nd Age.
Just ignore the fake gg and take the 2nd part for yours gg from me but I will always say fake gg when I lose I promise that.
Just let me have my style you have yours style and I have mine it just different to be honest.
Warlords are Toxic, atleast most of them are. Only seen few actual befitting of a warlord. Regradless its one of many reasons people avoid Pvp. What will KI do? Offer you a crown shop deal to be Warlord faster
It a Thread to get the nice Warlords out of the Shadows into back and helping others if they can help others Warlords they can also help privates to at least get to commander robe.
And not all Warlords are Toxic some at least start talking instead of porting away those Warlords are nice Warlords and should get a gift from Kingsisle for talking in rank pvp.
I rather have a Warlord talking to me the whole match and help me out it will be really helpful if others Warlords did the same as that 1 Warlord.
Melissa Warlord helped me in the past she had a Heather the wizard she name that wizard Heather because of her's twin sister and they played together.
Sorry but warlords won’t be your friend unless you’re rich and have good gear and pet because they think they are better than everyone else.
Nah not really rich its more about a couple of things. This is how I view it, others may have other views.
1. Do you have a good pet. It shows commitment to your goals, your dedications and a few other things. 2. Are you worth the time to train, explain, when I could be doing other things with my time. Time is money, with that time I could be questing, leveling a pet, or other things irl. 3. Depending on the personality, ability to comprehend things. If you don't understand what I mean, well its like the difference between how fast a honor student learns and how a ....whats the term for those type of students. "Extra class time, needing extra help students."
Some may say that is strict; I say its having standards for someone that wants to be taught how to become a Warlord. Everyone has different criteria for who they teach, like how everyone has different definitions of what a nice person is.
I currently don't pvp at this moment, due to opponents like to use the turtle strategy, to where they only heal, shield, reshuffle, and maybe guardian spirit. Which just defeats my fun for pvp, if I wanted to do 1 hour battles, I would play *Insert rival company name here*.
Oh and most importantly, ask how the person became Warlord, since there are people who become Warlord through skill and some who became warlords out of frustrating the enemy to just leave( JuJu Spammers, Turtles, etc etc).
Also, if I sound bitter please excuse that. I've been pvping since generation 1, so I seen all the good and bad of pvp. Being Warlord is overated, being an Overlord, that is where its at.
I'm just wondering what happen to all the family friendly Warlords went or just friendly Warlords went?
In 2nd age of rank pvp people try to help me in rank pvp they didn't care what others Warlords thought they would do 2v2 with me.
I'm just wondering what happen to those Warlords 1 was a guy warlord that helped me he was a storm wizard doing rank pvp.
And yes I think I did puppet once or twice but sometimes when you puppet you go against another puppet team so if both teams are puppetting is that really against the rules if we kinda going against each other?
I think it kinda helped those lower lvl not get the puppet team at that time because I was facing them.
And I still see puppetting today so it not really gone yet.
I'm mostly wondering where all the friendly Warlords went so if anyone knows please tell me I would love to add them as a friend.
Always be friendly to all players and be nice to Kingsisle
They're inspired by a few toxic pvp youtubers. Some also just go with the rule "it's not reportable to be rude."
Nah not really rich its more about a couple of things. This is how I view it, others may have other views.
1. Do you have a good pet. It shows commitment to your goals, your dedications and a few other things. 2. Are you worth the time to train, explain, when I could be doing other things with my time. Time is money, with that time I could be questing, leveling a pet, or other things irl. 3. Depending on the personality, ability to comprehend things. If you don't understand what I mean, well its like the difference between how fast a honor student learns and how a ....whats the term for those type of students. "Extra class time, needing extra help students."
Some may say that is strict; I say its having standards for someone that wants to be taught how to become a Warlord. Everyone has different criteria for who they teach, like how everyone has different definitions of what a nice person is.
I currently don't pvp at this moment, due to opponents like to use the turtle strategy, to where they only heal, shield, reshuffle, and maybe guardian spirit. Which just defeats my fun for pvp, if I wanted to do 1 hour battles, I would play *Insert rival company name here*.
Oh and most importantly, ask how the person became Warlord, since there are people who become Warlord through skill and some who became warlords out of frustrating the enemy to just leave( JuJu Spammers, Turtles, etc etc).
Also, if I sound bitter please excuse that. I've been pvping since generation 1, so I seen all the good and bad of pvp. Being Warlord is overated, being an Overlord, that is where its at.
So you might be a Warlord at first age with over 2,000 rating which I'm kinda looking for with a different wizards.
I don't understand the new Warlords at all but I do understand the older Warlords you can call them Overloard but till there's a badge for it I can't yet.
And I never asked other people to take me to warlord just to commander and I will do the rest that all I'm asking for.
1. I know i can use a teacher. 2. I'm really bad at ice pvp at Max.
Myth and death i'm okay with and also low lvl storm i'm okay with if i have the right gear on.