Hi This idea is pretty much from runescape, but I think this will help the game a lot! There are accomplishment capes that you receive once you get a big achievement for example you get a cape when you reach the max level in gardening, crafting, questing and all the other badges, each cape will show the crafting logo so who ever sees you cape they will know that you have reach every single level in gardening or maybe you have complete every single quest in game! I believe this will help not just new players but veterans because if they want to show off this capes they need to work hard!! please check this twit I have my character wearing the Crafting cape!
Hi This idea is pretty much from runescape, but I think this will help the game a lot! There are accomplishment capes that you receive once you get a big achievement for example you get a cape when you reach the max level in gardening, crafting, questing and all the other badges, each cape will show the crafting logo so who ever sees you cape they will know that you have reach every single level in gardening or maybe you have complete every single quest in game! I believe this will help not just new players but veterans because if they want to show off this capes they need to work hard!! please check this twit I have my character wearing the Crafting cape!
This sounds great!! This is really a good way to show off your hard work! but not just that this will also push other players to work hard and grind for many hours to get a decent reward! can you imagine seen a level 10 with a gardening cape? haha thats epic! there will be different kind of accounts low levels with accomplishment capes! It does not have to be the same design as the runescape capes but something new with the same concept of course, But this sounds like a great idea! and maybe a master cape! that you get once you accomplish every single thing in game!! you can buy this capes with game coins and not crowns so people can actually get this capes once they did all of their work hard, Lets look at it this way, you make this accomplishment capes and instead of getting profit from crown sales you all will get profit from people being active in the game! we will be able to see players all around the spiral farming, gardening questing doing monstrology pvp reaching max level etc.
quest cape - complete every side quest and line quest
max level cape - reach max level in game
gardening cape - max gardening level
crafting cape- max crafting level
badges cape - get every single badge in game
Monstrology cape - get max level in monstrology
fishing cape- get max level in fishing
Tem kiosk helper quest - help other player at least 1000 times
friendship cape - have max friends added on the list Hit points cape - reach 10k health in game to get the cape you can only wear it when your health is 10k Mana cape - same as hit points cape but instead of 10 k drop it to 2k One million damage - do a one million damage on a monster