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Lost EMP seed disaster - word of warning.

Oct 24, 2012
Having played this game on and off since 2012, like many of you I have been an avid if not obsessive gardener. Yesterday, around 10:00 P.M. PST., I had over 300 EMP seeds planted in the exterior area of the Botanical Gardens. This morning they are all gone. Cleared out and lost forever! There was maintenance performed early this morning ~1:00 A.M. CST., and I can only speculate that the loss was a result of said server maintenance. The vast majority of these seeds were at elder. I had such a huge quantity of seeds as an artifact of the double gardening/double seed reward before it was ended. Since the huge quantity of seeds filled over 5 seed banks and half of my attic I decided to plant them all in an area that was largely unused. I use a stack method called pot pulling since it allows for more plant items to be placed into a house. Essentially you lay out 23 pots, plant, pull the pots, stack, and repeat. It allows for more plants since you are not placing “permanent” plots.

I figured that KingsIsle would give me the boiler plate answer that they did. I suppose I have no option other than to eat the loss and move on. My issue is with the fact that the code allows for stacking or “glitching” yet any loss incurred by a customer is just too bad and there will be no recompense. Had it been anything other than seeds with a monetary value, I would have just left it to its fate. All in all I wanted this to serve as a warning for anyone using a like or similar methodology. If you have an issue with “glitch” gardening you’ll be unceremoniously told to get lost regardless of your membership status or how much money you spend.

Dec 09, 2008
Quarium on Feb 20, 2020 wrote:
Having played this game on and off since 2012, like many of you I have been an avid if not obsessive gardener. Yesterday, around 10:00 P.M. PST., I had over 300 EMP seeds planted in the exterior area of the Botanical Gardens. This morning they are all gone. Cleared out and lost forever! There was maintenance performed early this morning ~1:00 A.M. CST., and I can only speculate that the loss was a result of said server maintenance. The vast majority of these seeds were at elder. I had such a huge quantity of seeds as an artifact of the double gardening/double seed reward before it was ended. Since the huge quantity of seeds filled over 5 seed banks and half of my attic I decided to plant them all in an area that was largely unused. I use a stack method called pot pulling since it allows for more plant items to be placed into a house. Essentially you lay out 23 pots, plant, pull the pots, stack, and repeat. It allows for more plants since you are not placing “permanent” plots.

I figured that KingsIsle would give me the boiler plate answer that they did. I suppose I have no option other than to eat the loss and move on. My issue is with the fact that the code allows for stacking or “glitching” yet any loss incurred by a customer is just too bad and there will be no recompense. Had it been anything other than seeds with a monetary value, I would have just left it to its fate. All in all I wanted this to serve as a warning for anyone using a like or similar methodology. If you have an issue with “glitch” gardening you’ll be unceremoniously told to get lost regardless of your membership status or how much money you spend.
Hi Quarium,

Please contact our support team and we'll be happy to check on your concern here. It may be a simple matter of resetting something:
