I recently bought member just for the double reagents benefit so i could farm Alchemy extract in catacombs in foetid crypt but to my realisation they patched the only less time consuming way to get the reagent by patching the respawning mob that gave guaranteed 3 Alchemy extract every respawn and i was amazed how getting the best gear in the game for a max wizard just turned to a complete pain and time consuming waste like wow that was the only way to save precious member time and now its gone please either decrease the recipe reagents requirement or return the respawn and its drop back or else its really a waste i am not gonna spend my whole memberships farming for piece of gear that take almost a month to farm or more, this has made me really hate the game to the core please bring a update.
It would be awesome if they actually listened to these complaints but i fear these fall on deaf ears. This game has been turned into a gambling casino game for the developers and i think they lost sight of their original concept of entertainment. Mundane re-runs of the same content hundreds of times over for any piece of gear gets boring pretty quickly but expecting this company to realize that any time soon is asking way too much.
It would be awesome if they actually listened to these complaints but i fear these fall on deaf ears. This game has been turned into a gambling casino game for the developers and i think they lost sight of their original concept of entertainment. Mundane re-runs of the same content hundreds of times over for any piece of gear gets boring pretty quickly but expecting this company to realize that any time soon is asking way too much.
Ill try to tweet about it to them hope i see some improvement in future or else paradox gear is the best bet