hi, i’m level 130 storm and i’m super behind on my crafting. i need a potent real treasure card and i read somewhere the best place to get it is by farming cronus. i’ve defeated him dozens of times for the last 4 days to no avail. is there an easier way to get one? can someone help me out? thanks :)
cronus i dont know about but i did BAD TASTE boss in tenia ne breia azteca world first cave to the right when you use the teleporter and got mine just did it recently too it is 2020 (oh yeah he is death and comes with 1 minion if you solo not hard at all)
ps if you doing crafting you going to need a regent need VINE too
i got all 5 of them from farming gladiator not hard to find him just serch gladiator secret boss mount olympus for directions on finding him
Bad Taste Boss in Tenia de Brie in Azteca world you can get it there he has the smallest treasure card drop list so the odds are better he is the first cave to the right of the teleporter when you teleport from the common area (Potent Trap Card)
P.s. if you are crafting you are going to need a regent named Vine, this was the hardest regent for me to find and wiki is wrong because its never updated but i did find it
farm gladiator in mount olympus he is the secret boss good news is you dont have to do the dungeon to fight him and plenty of life and mana orbs inside entrace to keep you good to go farming him
just google instructions on how to find him if you dont know how i got all 5 of my vines here and just did it recently the date was 6-12-2020 so information is accuarate