With some of the Key changes made to pvp, from turn base to some school spells adjustments, the devs are heading in the right direction. I must say after what seem like forever, lore master and mana-burn have finally been adjusted to their proper pip cost ratio via spell effect. I do hope before the release of 5th age pvp more adjustments are implemented into certain school varieties to balance out pvp more efficiently esp towards ice and fire. Although many disagree with nerfs, I feel its very necessary to a certain degree to prevent power creep imbalance by just buffing everything else.
However, with that being said i also feel that just plainly nerfing or adjusting areas without taking into consideration of other aspects, can also create a situational problems. For example the removal of guardian spirit that was deemed the most annoying spell to deal with vs life, was a big utility spell for life mains who relied on it to survive one shot potentials which relatively puts life at mediocre disadvantage. Giving the fact that like many other schools, life doesn't have a damage scion or the damage out put to initially sustain the fight. This is due to the fact that heals essentially cost pips, and if your not able to potentially critical heals it puts you at a more problematic situation where your life depends on surviving the fight to make a come back.
With that being said when proposing fix and changes make sure to verify that the school is still able to compete without the necessary tools on test realm before going live. Would be looking forward to posting necessary changes to some spells, I believe i've done this in the past so am going to keep it short.