I am trying to get the castle auditor badge, but no matter how many new castles I rate, the counter seems to be stuck at 92/100. I made sure that the castles I was rating were new and that I hit the rate button; the counter still won't go up.
I'm having the same issue. After getting the Castle Tourist badge my castle rating count stopped around 15 and now it want increase no matter how many castle I rate. It's really frustrating.
I am having the same exact issue. My ratings are stuck at 156/1000 rated castles. I've logged out and back in, switched wizards, but nothing seems to be working. I am trying to get the next badge so I can finally craft the Castle Tours Apartment, but there's no use as of right now. Hoping for an update soon!
You can only rate 10 houses per day for badge credit.
We added this limitation to encourage players to take their time and explore the house before rating it.
I've had a few days where it seems I'm only able to get 8 or 9 rated houses to count towards my badge progress. I also avoid rating houses around midnight CST when the counter would reset. Are there any intentional circumstances in which the limitation would be less than 10?
You can only rate 10 houses per day for badge credit.
We added this limitation to encourage players to take their time and explore the house before rating it.
This is an understandable mechanic, But can you make it more obvious that you can only vote 10 times for badge credit, like a notification that pops up once you reach 10 ratings? It will save time for people that want to try and grind out the badge like they might try other badges like team helper and enemy badges. I mostly say this because I realized I wasn't the only one who didn't know why their badge number wouldn't increment, and I only found out why after looking it up and finding it on the forums.
I understand that you don't want people to rush, but only 10 per day?
That means it takes 10 days to get the recipes available. That's not too crazy, but still, 10 days of having to remember to rate 10 houses, and if you can't get on for a day for whatever reason, you have to wait ANOTHER day? That could potentially be 2 weeks of your time just to get a couple recipes.
It's even more frustrating thinking of it in terms of the Assessor badge. That's 100 days that has to be spent, every day, rating 10 castles per day. And missing a day is even more detrimental. That could get to the point where you would have to wait 2 1/2 - 3 months just for a RECIPE for a house. You still need to be able to get all of the reagents necessary to make it, which could take a long time for people who may not be able to pay for membership every month, or have a high enough level character to handle gathering reagents effectively.
I understand the need for a limit, but an increase to that limit would definitely be appreciated. On the bright side, if you're willing to do a bunch of team ups instead, the Olde Town Apartment is identical to this one.