Allow differently timed PVP matches; Introduce Sudden Death Global
The current PVP timer is 30 minutes.
I am of the opinion that 30 minutes is a bit too short for slower-placed matches, in particular regarding any matchup involving vs .
Diego favors spam hitting strategies rather too aggressively, which is an improvement but it can be better. For instance, hitting with two blades into a set shield for 500 damage is considered aggressive, instead of mindlessly aggressive.
Life wizards spam Wings of Fate to try to fool Diego.
45 minutes for me would be absolutely perfect to close out some matches properly, but some players like the timer as it is. Reshuffle is basically a thing of the past. It's used once if at all.
Ergo I'd consider making 3 (or more) options for PVP games:
30 minutes 45 minutes 1 hour
If a match reaches the final 10 minutes of play (5 minutes for 30 minute games), a sudden death (pun intended) -100% healing Doom and Gloom can be introduced by Diego (unchangeable) to help close out the match properly rather than by some complicated program whose workings are kept secret.
I've won games I should have lost, and vice versa, because neither I nor my opponent really understood the criteria of how Diego determines who should win matches.