Good day Kingsisle, I'd like to start off by saying as a player for the past 8 years I often come across the issue of people sniping my items at the bazaar. Nowadays people can simply use a computerized program (bot) to snipe other people's item faster than they can grab them for themselves. This lead to me brainstorming the idea of having a feature in the bazaar which allows people to sell non crown items to any specific person by selecting their name through the friend finder option. This would give the person whom the seller selected to purchase the item the ability to get the item by locking it for their specific(direct) purchase of a said individual without any risk of losing their item which they may have paid for from a bazaar sniper or a bot. Any item sale should give a receipt such as, "Item has ben purchased by Merle Ambrose". In order to prove evidence of purchase.
I'd also like to further develop this idea by Kingsisle issuing a "Trusted Seller" or "Trusted Buyer" badge for anyone who sells over 5000 items directly to someone or purchases 5000 items from someone. This would allow regular players to see if the seller or buyer is authentic and not trying to scam. This feature "direct selling" can be usable only by premium players for example; anyone who has an active wizard101 membership. Which will reduce and prevent regular people from abusing the system to get a "fake" badge as compared to the people who made legitimate sales and purchase to other people.
Secondly, I would like Kingsisle to implement "Non-Crown Item Auctioning)
This feature would allow regular sellers of any item to place it on the bazaar for auction. Any wizard that wish to have the said item will gain the ability to offer any specific item of their own (non crown items-treasure cards or regular items) to attain the item which the seller has on the auction list. The seller would be able to reject bad offers and set an expected (item goal) in order for someone to buy the item(s) from them.
We 100% need a direct trading feature. A gray option is for dungeons like Darkmoore, we should be able to trade items within a certain time limit with the wizards you were running the dungeon with. So for example if I’m running with another storm wizard and I get the hat but I already have it and they need it, I should be able to give them the hat that I received.