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Pet Aging (Aesthetics)

May 28, 2010
Perhaps it has been mentioned before and shot down, but I've never heard of it before. Would the developers ever consider changing the aesthetics of pets so they changed appearance as they aged. Such as a firecat pet being a kitten as a baby and then growing to be an old scruffy cat at mega. I know this would certainly require a lot of work to pull off but I think it would add a lot of immersion and be a neat dynamic to the pet training experience. Thoughts anyone?

Dec 09, 2008
MumbleMage on Jul 20, 2021 wrote:
Perhaps it has been mentioned before and shot down, but I've never heard of it before. Would the developers ever consider changing the aesthetics of pets so they changed appearance as they aged. Such as a firecat pet being a kitten as a baby and then growing to be an old scruffy cat at mega. I know this would certainly require a lot of work to pull off but I think it would add a lot of immersion and be a neat dynamic to the pet training experience. Thoughts anyone?
That's an interesting idea! Our animation and modeling department would probably cringe a bit at the workload though :). Maybe we can do that with something though.

Jan 11, 2012
From THIS POST, 6 years ago :) This should only be for SOME pets, to limit all the hard work it would take. There would need to be something like this in the game already; different versions of the same exact monster, like the various fire elves.

Aug 01, 2014
MumbleMage on Jul 20, 2021 wrote:
Perhaps it has been mentioned before and shot down, but I've never heard of it before. Would the developers ever consider changing the aesthetics of pets so they changed appearance as they aged. Such as a firecat pet being a kitten as a baby and then growing to be an old scruffy cat at mega. I know this would certainly require a lot of work to pull off but I think it would add a lot of immersion and be a neat dynamic to the pet training experience. Thoughts anyone?
This is actually a feature in pirate101, where your pet becomes increasingly bigger as it ages and I think it's a really neat feature. I fully support it.