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Fall 2022 Update and Novus - Please LINK new issues here

Mar 16, 2011
Could not pick up clockwork pieces after dungeon.

Mar 09, 2013
I started Novus at level 150 and finished Novus at level 159. I am 86,000 experience away from 160. I did every quest except the side quest "Waiting For Who Knows" where you have to defeat The Abyss. My husband started Novus at level 150 and finished at level 160. He did the exact same quests as I did. He is Fire and I am Ice.

Sep 02, 2013
I just finished Novus. Finished all the main quests and all the side quests. I'm currently Level 159 and over 100k short of Level 160. I've checked my quest finder and nothing. I carefully gone through each area looking for anything incomplete, but nothing. I'm at a loss. The final quest I completed was for the Abyss. I do not recall receiving anything after turning it in. Cannot confirm that though. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you

Sep 03, 2013
when i try to cast shields and/or heals on my wizard in the second battle space it wont let me cast it but i can cast it on the person in the first battle space. not sure about the other two battle spaces for any of this since it's usually just me and my friend only. not sure if anyone else has this issue but when i contacted support they said they are aware also it happens on both my accounts i don't really have any links though so sorry :(

Oct 25, 2008
Hi, my Mom and I play and when we play as pet then switch back to wizard the camera view still acts like we are our pet view. We have to completely get out of the game to reset it.

Mar 21, 2011
Hello there, I wanted to point out that there is a glitch with one of the instance quest in La Villa Rose.

Quest Name: The Quakespiracy (Directs you into a dungeon which begins the instance quest)
Instance Quest Name: Revenge! (This quest has a glitch)

After defeating Basil the Brigand you are led to fight the Senior Cabal Soldier. However, when you approach him, he does not begin his dialogue, but can still interact with him to begin the fight. Once Senior Cabal Soldier has been defeated does he finally start his dialogue which requires you to fight him, however, you have already defeat the boss, so now there isn't anyone to defeat and full fill the requirement of the quest.

Thanks in advance

Jul 31, 2015
When I played as Morganthe in Khrysalis, I couldn't cast any lore spells because I didn't get death pips.

Oct 10, 2015
Sparck. on Nov 30, 2022 wrote:
Welcome to Novus! There's much to discover in the Fall Update. Please help us to track down any remaining issues that may have made their way through to the Live Realms by posting a reply with a link to a separate forum post below.


These reports can come from Halston's Laboratory here in the official forums, the Wizard101 Central forums, social media, or any officially recognized fansite.

Please do not post a reply without first locating or creating a separate post for the issue. Link that new or existing post here ONLY. A few words of explanation for context with the link is perfect.

Latest Known Issues (New issues will be added to the TOP of the list)
  • Cannot access Stone of Heaven after getting stuck on loading screen
  • Duel Perspectives quest screen stays white, requires relog back into the game to clear it
  • If you click Glowbug and hover over it while other players are deciding their card picks, this card won't show up
  • Some players having issues with Archmastery system
  • Retiring Spellement Paths Does Not Allow Players to Regain Spellements
  • Quest Finder directs you to Moo Bu who doesn't show up properly
  • Catch of the Day Doesn’t Give Blades When Defeating Enemy
  • Team Player Selection Issue
  • Grendel's Amends heal can only target enemies
This list is only issues and bugs. Do not link references to general dislikes or uncertainties of a feature. We will be reviewing those separately.

General Concerns
  • Concerns about end-gear and how it's supposed to be obtained
  • Spell audits

Suggestion Highlights
  • Request for an Archmastery tutorial


Thanks for helping to make this a great update for all Wizards!

This post describes an issue my guild, The Valiant Explorers, have been facing in unlocking our second Battle Gate in the Guild Battle Island due to an "over-donation" by accident from one of our guild members who was trying to help us unlock this gate. I have a screenshot that I cannot post here but would love to share otherwise (and have through emailing support regarding the issue). We nearly have the azoth to finish these gates but no way to put it in. Thank you for your time!

Mar 21, 2011
With this recent update on Febuary 1, 2023. The spell Celestial intervention is not functioning properly.
The spell description states:
"240 Heal/Shield Sacrificed (Max: 3 Self)"
The problem here is that when the spell is used it only uses one shield even if you have 6 shields (Casted by Sabertooth) I found this out while testing the spell again after being able to upgrade the spell through spellements.