It's been a very long time since I've been away from W101 and I've noticed a lot of changes. One of the changes is that crital hits will now do 1.2x(? Correct me if I'm wrong) more damage instead of 2x. My question is: does this also affect crital heals?
It's been a very long time since I've been away from W101 and I've noticed a lot of changes. One of the changes is that crital hits will now do 1.2x(? Correct me if I'm wrong) more damage instead of 2x. My question is: does this also affect crital heals?
In PVP, critical hits do 1.25x the regular amount.
In everything outside of PVP, critical hits do the normal 2x.
Critical heals do 2x more health, along with a minor 10% boost.