1. a joker fish: a fish that has a clown smile or joker smile and a chubby body that has multi-colored dots. frilly fins in a purplish or red color like the fish in crab alley ( the big fish you enter act with on a quest for got names of these fish} 2. Jack o lantern fish: a orange fish in shape of large pumpkin with fins in shape of vines. 3. full moon fish; a epic fish you catch late in the evening by waterfalls the fish in shape of the moon glowing yellow or orange with stars all over the body this special fish brings luck to the catcher 4. zombie fish: almost like a gobbler fish but bit more clown fish like with huge saucer eyes. 5. a siren fish :Looks like the lil siren pet or ice siren pet it would be epic semi-hard to catch in deep pools of blackish murky water you would need patient to catch this fish. i would leave the details on where and how to catch them, what school they are, what points you get for them and what fish tank put them in. to the game makers. If you decided to include them in the game.