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Confused easily about bundles Senior moments

Jul 20, 2016
I see all these wonderful bundles that we are able to buy today for the 12 days of Christmas. If I could buy 1 and only 1 of them, I would appreciate some input. Yes I am a senior 65 years young :) Played Wizard101 8 years ago and lost account so started over. I am now a lvl 71 Balance wizard. A whole new school to me but enjoying it just got my newest pet the Lady Judgement.

Thank you in advance and may you have your wishes and dreams come true the Christmas Season.

God Bless,

Aug 03, 2016
Hi! I hope this reaches you in time :)

Definitely the Epic Bundle or the Mega bundle.

On sale for half price, both are 19.50 in U.S. dollars.

Probably as a female you would like the Mega better only because of the gear but then I don't know! Both of the houses are amazing in those bundles.

In the Epic bundle you get a gigantic wooden castle, well it's stone on the outside and wooden inside if I remember right. It has a moat and enormous grounds. You can fish in its waters.

In the Mega bundle you get a "sultan's palace" which is gorgeous. Beautiful colors on the walls and floors. Outside there is sand, but it also has a huge lake with a sand dune and palm trees. It also has water around the courtyard surrounding the house. You can fish in its waters.

The accessories are where you might prefer the Mega with the sultan's house. The pet in that one is a snake in a basket, and the mount is a magic carpet - you stand on the carpet.

The accessories in the Epic with the castle house are a mad dog looking pet and the mount is a gryphon.

The clothes, you might like either one. I haven't bought the Epic bundle in teh past, just the separate castle. But the clothing is probably medieval in some way. The clothes in the Mega with the sultan theme are kind of like Aladdin style.

I am glad you asked and it's not a senior moment in my opinion. There really are no descriptions just a list of items. For new players it's very confusing. Each time there is a bundle sale I end up googling and watching you tube videos of the bundles.

I would like to suggest that the site consider adding photos and descriptions of the items in the bundles. I want to click the bundle and see a slideshow of what is in it. Thanks.

So anyway I think you can't go wrong with either of those. Do you want to be a knight or lady in a castle or a sultan in a palace?

Oh and both come with built in battle circles too but I haven't used those.

Jul 20, 2016
Need help here any input only have today to buy these bundles


Aug 07, 2012
I would go with the epic bundle. The castle has a lot of room and a hidden room. Also if you are into crafting get the jewel mine bundle--lots of reagents daily.. I know you might not get this in time to purchase but keep it in mind. Good luck.

Aug 03, 2016
Autumn so sorry I hope the message replies reached you in time!
I wish I knew how I could've reached you in game, and this website has no private message option.

The messages here are all read by moderators and posted usually about a day after they were written, so there will almost always be a day's delay until replies are posted, I am so sorry.
I hope you got a bundle, if not I hope there will be another sale soon.

What I do is google the name of the bundle and look at the pix and or you tube video. It is a clunky way to go about it and time consuming. I wish they would post slideshows linked to each bundle.

If you did not get a bundle on sale, some worlds have very good houses for sale for gold. If you have been to Marleybone, they have a New York house, a large and a small one, that are just great.
Mooshu also has some good houses in an "Asian design theme," and even Wizard City in the shopping area has a decent, smallish castle.
If you get a prepaid game card at one of the stores listed on this website (somewhere!), when you redeem it you get a pet with it. So that might help too.

I so wanna help you so I hope any of that helps. Even if I had your game name there are probably others using the same name, but I hope these tips help.

Aug 03, 2016
Davidfire school on Dec 13, 2016 wrote:
I would go with the epic bundle. The castle has a lot of room and a hidden room. Also if you are into crafting get the jewel mine bundle--lots of reagents daily.. I know you might not get this in time to purchase but keep it in mind. Good luck.
I do like the gem mine - but to be honest I haven't used anything from it yet. And the crystal horse mount that comes with it is nice but it costs a few thousand in gold to dye it if you don't like the colors it comes in.

It also comes with multiple crystal hammers, and while I gave one to one of my wizards I have no use for it to be honest. It's huge! And it's mostly for looks I think.

It also has a crystal butterfly which again is a lot of gold to dye other colors, so I kept the colors it came with. (I think the colors are random, not sure.)

The gear in any bundle, I am saving til I am as high a level as I can. I dunno why though. Gear drops fairly often in the game, and I can always stitch it.

The gem mine can probably wait, for most players. It's mostly useful if you do a lot of crafting in the game, I think. It's fun, though.

For those who do not have the gem mine: It's a small cave, it sits outdoors, you go up to it and press the x key. You go in and press the x key next to the mine cart. You get random gifts of gems and reagents and gold. Daily.

Aug 03, 2016
One more tip: When a house is on offer in the crown shop, or in a shop in a city in the game, you can click somewhere on the house screen ( magnifying glass maybe?) and preview the house.
Your wizard will be transported to the house and you can wander around the whole thing, with a real estate agent lady giving you a tour. :)

You can do that as many times as you wish, for free.

The online bundles or bundles at places like Game Stop or Target or CVS or Best Buy, I would google the names of those (maybe plus "wizard 101") for pix and info.