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Upcoming Update Notes

Feb 06, 2010
Hi Spark!

Can you please list as much of the update information as possible (for test realm). I know recently only the key essentials have been shared, but in the past, almost every detail was released. I am one of the ones who love reading all the updates, down to the smallest.

Of course, I suppose it is up to you, ultimately, if you choose not to, but I (and I'm sure many others) would appreciate it! I hope I do not come across as rude or arrogant, and I'm not telling you what to do, I am requesting. PLEASE!!

Thank You, and I lauged at your Madlib you shared last Thursday (well more at the circumstances lol).

Jan 18, 2010
I agree, along with a date when the test realm will be finally opened for us; investigative wizards!

Jun 13, 2011
How about waiting until it is up? It will come when, and only when, the Test Realm is up again. Keep your eyes open.

Feb 06, 2010
Blaze03554 on Mar 30, 2019 wrote:
Hi Spark!

Can you please list as much of the update information as possible (for test realm). I know recently only the key essentials have been shared, but in the past, almost every detail was released. I am one of the ones who love reading all the updates, down to the smallest.

Of course, I suppose it is up to you, ultimately, if you choose not to, but I (and I'm sure many others) would appreciate it! I hope I do not come across as rude or arrogant, and I'm not telling you what to do, I am requesting. PLEASE!!

Thank You, and I lauged at your Madlib you shared last Thursday (well more at the circumstances lol).

Spark my good sir,

Once you see this you can lock out this discussion

Dec 09, 2008
You got it! We'll be giving you a Test Realm version of the notes as soon as we can. Going to be exciting!

Feb 28, 2014
Sparck. on Apr 2, 2019 wrote:
You got it! We'll be giving you a Test Realm version of the notes as soon as we can. Going to be exciting!
I watched the last KI Live and saw some update graphics. They look so cool! :)

Feb 06, 2010
Sparck. on Apr 2, 2019 wrote:
You got it! We'll be giving you a Test Realm version of the notes as soon as we can. Going to be exciting!

Your the absolute best!

I also want to tell you thank you for representing the community! I know your giving us your best!

Thanks again Sparck!!

Feb 12, 2015
Sparck. on Apr 2, 2019 wrote:
You got it! We'll be giving you a Test Realm version of the notes as soon as we can. Going to be exciting!
It'll be up TOMORROW? I'll be there!

Dec 22, 2008
agreed, idc if there's anything like typos changed but even backend things that increase performance and things like moving an NPC i like to see.

Jul 09, 2010
Sparck. on Apr 2, 2019 wrote:
You got it! We'll be giving you a Test Realm version of the notes as soon as we can. Going to be exciting!
How soon is soon? The silence is making me less and less hyped.

Feb 06, 2010
Sparck. on Apr 2, 2019 wrote:
You got it! We'll be giving you a Test Realm version of the notes as soon as we can. Going to be exciting!
Thanks Sparck, can't wait!

Thanks for representing the community. You're doing a good job!