I think that it would be nice to be able to stitch mounts to one another - for example, if I had a 50% speed boost mount and wanted to stitch it to a mount I found more pretty, I should be able to go to an NPC and pay 100 (or more, since mounts are kept longer than gear typically) crowns and get the looks of the 50% boost mount with the looks of the pretty mount.
If this were implemented, I'd be more inclined to make big mount purchases or buy packs. I really want a 50% speed boost mount for reagent gathering, but I hate the way they look and wouldn't pay money to get them now. However, if I could stitch the Creepy Clown Car to, say, the Frostfang Tiger, I'd probably buy both to stitch together and that's a lot more money to KI.
This would also encourage me to have more than one mount. For example, a mount for reagent farming (fast), a healing mount, and a damage mount. If they were all able to look like how I wanted them to, I'd be much more inclined to buy more mounts for different situations, which again, more money for KI.
Restrictions -
No stitching multi-passenger mounts. This could mess up the game's balance far to easily if a mount could hold more than one wizard and boost stats.
Like in stitching gear, only one mount's stats are retained. For example, if I stitched a Balance Ghulture (2% damage boost) to the appearance of a Vulpine Avenger (2% pierce), the mount would only have the 2% damage boost from the Ghulture and only the appearance of the Vulpine Avenger, not the 2% pierce of the fox.
Opinions? Criticism? Or reasons that this can't happen? This is my first suggestion, but it's one that I'm really passionate about and would really like to happen.
Personally I would say a gem slot would be better and would make more sense with mounts. I only say that cause stitching is more realistic for clothes and wands just as hatching is for pets.
I also really like that idea, honestly, I feel like it's probably a better idea, I'm just suggesting the stitching mostly in desperate hopes that it gets put in, since stitching is already very much a thing and probably easier to code in. Either idea is great though!