To name a few areas on the forum that he may be referring to are the Deckathalon Thoughts and the Welcome to the new Events section as those don't have it as of today that I have noticed.
The Deckathalon thought had the charm button but it now has been removed.
Comments on the other section have postings where it has been verbalized regarding the missing button.
We do appreciate the button and the ability to charm someone’s post..
Victoria Fireheart and Cheryl Duskcrafter also notice the Charm feature missing there. I wanna Charm both their posts! CHARM for Victoria CHARM for Cheryl And a CHARM for Sparck too (on that thread).
Quick question: These are called 'threads' here on this site right?
PS: Can others plz test the hyperlink. It keeps on opening and immediately closing the area to put the hyperlink. I have to try it several times until it works. Thanks! :D
For everyone, has the charms not showing up for non-members always been the case? We might be able to adjust this...
As I have two crowns accounts (non-members) and two members accounts, I can say that they haven't been able to see the charms button / history. The page appears just like it does before signing in with membership account.
I have noticed that for some reason all the postings/threads that are in the Message Boards Home >Events section only have the ability to "quote" a posting and not "charm" the posting, requiring another poster to almost repeat what has been previously said.
stemogstel stated: "PS: Can others plz test the hyperlink. It keeps on opening and immediately closing the area to put the hyperlink. I have to try it several times until it works. Thanks! :D"
I found that the link worked just fine on the first attempt for me.