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Questions and Tips for October 2019 KI Live

Dec 09, 2008
Wizards! Post your KI Live October 2019 questions here if you want a chance to have them featured on KI Live! ONE question and/or tip PER PLAYER. If we see any spamming of questions or tips, we will automatically discount your submissions.

Keep in mind that we literally receive hundreds of submissions and only a handful are able to be answered. We will do our best to prioritize!

Designate in your post whether it is a [Question] or [Tip].

We will also have a screenshot request social post up soon. Watch for it!

KI Live is set for a spooky October 31 at 4pm CT

Thank you!

Dec 16, 2009

Wizard City underground is a huge area and certain story elements in test realm (particularly the last three bosses) leave a lot of room for growth. Will we see this area used for things like Skeleton Key Bosses in the future?

Jan 18, 2010
* Question:

Does KI have any more surprises up its sleeves in terms of future events such as the Deckathalon? o:

* Tip:

Try investing in Energy Granting Gear.

Most side activities require energy. Having gear soley to this aspect will help tremendously! Especially if you do both gardening and pet training.

Community Leader
#AskKI Question: What was the thought process behind creating the Underground expansion, and does that mean we will see more teasers and hints added into the game before updates that will foreshadow future updates like Renee with the graphics update and the hole for the latest update?

WhiteTiger93: Youtuber and Streamer Here --- Content Creator for Arcanum Archives. Check us out here for guides and events!
May 22, 2008
[Question] Having updated the graphics of areas in the game, do you plan on updating the graphics of character models as well?

Apr 18, 2013
What is your favorite Hallowe'en Event in the Spiral?

Is it the 3 Ravenwood Towers, or the Nosferabbit dungeon with all the veggie revenants and Transformations, or visiting Spooky Bob, or all the great packs, or the Daily Assignment with Halloween rewards, or the scary fish, or all the awesome Hallowe'en quests from one Jack Hallow, or something else?

Farm Loremaster while Spooky Bob is visiting the Spiral for your chance at winning the Headless Horseman spell

Feb 28, 2014
Question: Durning the war between the Titans, Giants and Dragons, What energy sorce was used to leave Wizard City and other planets in fragments?

Apr 08, 2015
Question: What if you favorite part of the fall update? and why?

Tip: Before you log off wiz remember to equip you energy gear, so next time you on, you can have full energy.

A+ Student
Dec 11, 2010
If you had to pick 3 other schools to assist a balance wizard for story content in Avalon, what would the team look like? (For example, storm, life, and myth plus the balance wizard)

Feb 28, 2014
Patrick Ravenbane on Oct 28, 2019 wrote:
Question: Durning the war between the Titans, Giants and Dragons, What energy sorce was used to leave Wizard City and other planets in fragments?
I'd like to change 2 words in my question. Instead of saying energy sorce, i"d like to say; magical power.

Jul 18, 2010
[TIP] I've seen a lot of people struggling with the pet training portion of the Spiral Showcase. I've found that if you use this time to just train to teen or adult max using low level snacks it's much easier to get your 20 points without using all your energy up and doesn't take as long as you'd think. Also a great time to train teen and adult Derby pets since it's better to use low level snacks to maximize your stats and lower your cheering cost. Thank you and Happy Halloween!

Jul 18, 2012
Why have the robes in third arc gotten worse then the ones in first and second?
The fact that they have turned mostly jade upsets me and clearly a lot of others.
Most people only use the hats and boots but always have the malistare robe because it was the best robe that has been added
Damage is important, that's something we need the most in robes

130 Hunter DragonTamer
61 Mycin DragonTamer
30 Tanner DragonTamer