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Ideas for Gardening

Mar 26, 2015
So, I am incredibly engaged in the concept of gardening and I would want to make some suggestions or ideas.
Perhaps these could be new spells for level 20 (Verdant Gardener) users.

1) Is there a way of being able to harvest all plants at the same time instead of going one by one?
a) There could be a spell that lets you chose which type of plants you want to harvest and it harvests them at the same time.

i) I got this idea from the plot all or plant all spells.
ii) This could perhaps cost some energy; for example, 10 or 15.
2) Be able to see the time left when someone uses the spells that last for 2, 3, and perhaps, 4 days.
a) This I don't think it should be a spell but rather an upgrade to the previous spells that let you prove needs for plants that last for a certain time.
i) I got this idea from the way plants allow you to see how much time they have left in each stage.
3) Do an upgrade to the pixie spell.
a) This spell can be obtained at level 10 of gardening. So, perhaps doing one for those who are level 20 would benefit them a lot and more people would want to get to this level to try to get them.
i) Pixie for levels 20 gardeners could, for instance, provide a 35 percent boots to plants or even more. The current one gives 25.
ii) The current pixie spells need 25 of energy to be cast, so perhaps a 35 for the new one should be reasonable.
4) Make a plant jump one stage.
a) This, in my opinion, can be a bit broken mainly because of the fact that most people will use it to make plants go from elder to harvest in a blink of an eye.
i) A plan to regulate this is to make the cost of energy for the spell to be high and can only be used once.
ii) We all have gone through a time in which we might harvest a group of plants and there is that one that is still elder. and some of us would want to wait for that elder plant to harvest so that we could have an equal amount of rewards each time. This idea will fir right into it.
5) Have a spell guiding book.
a) In the gardening-spells part of the book, there should be a section that fills up the likes of each of the plants that one has encountered.
i) I got this idea from the pet tomes part of the spellbook.
i) This should be filled as one progresses through gardening.
ii) Another idea inside this idea is to perhaps have all plants and what they like and dislike in this part of the book and as one levels up (becomes a better gardener), different parts of the book will unluck.
I have many more ideas but for now, these ones will benefit gardeners the most.
I really hope you guys take into consideration some of these.