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Transmute stats mount.

Aug 26, 2015
Tired of the same mount?
Bored for not being able to change the *mount stats?
*Mount must be permanent. Crafting recipes.
Allow change stat damage + 2% damage all schools (mounts as battle havox and battle narwhal) to +%3( or or or or or ) damage. Speed does not change (+% 40).
Crafting recipe: transmute (school name) battle narwhal mount (or battle havox mount)
School name: life - lively, death - dark, ice - crystal, fire - magma, myth - epic, storm - wind.

Reagents: amber, 4 motes type, mount (battle havox or battle narwhal), fish (by school)
Allow change stats +3 power pip chance to +3 shadow pip chance in a stats mount. Speed does not change (+% 40).
Crafting recipe: transmute shadow roc mount.
Reagents: roc mount, shadow oil, amber and others.
Allow change stats +2% outgoing heal to +4% incoming heal. Speed does not change (+40%).
Crafting recipe: transmute lively mammoth mini
Reagent: mammoth mini mount , amber, marvelous clay, 4 motes type, fish.