The Damage was EXACT, which is the bug to begin with because when I ran threw the same fight a second time, ON Both wizards I hit nearly 200 higher and not "500" dead on. Which is making one of the mobs live threw Death, Be unable to be attacked and Still be able to attack the player.
The Damage was EXACT, which is the bug to begin with because when I ran threw the same fight a second time, ON Both wizards I hit nearly 200 higher and not "500" dead on. Which is making one of the mobs live threw Death, Be unable to be attacked and Still be able to attack the player.
Can a Mod Please Edit the Title to say Bug in Deckathalon, when I typed the title I named the wrong Event >.<.
Sure thing, edited, and thanks for the bug report!
Thanks would have made no sense other wise. I also provided screen shots to show it was the same mob each time that kept bugging, which I noticed AFTER a few days of checking back.