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Item UI Changes

Oct 29, 2010
DeathGem67 on Apr 23, 2020 wrote:
There's this old saying: "If it ain't broken then don't fix it." As a Windows player this new UI change just messed everything up for me. I'm glad that you Mac players are happy with this change.
they dont go back to the original panel on this so we can just scroll im just done an im not gonna put no more money into this game,, so far i put in threw out the years since 2010 over i say 6k dollars spent ,, well it dont go back im done with the game, they got better games out there then this one and if this is how it will be i guess they can kiss our rear, cause im not happy

Oct 29, 2010
booyeah5888 on Apr 23, 2020 wrote:
You should at least make it where we can also see the jewels at one page and the item sets on another. I wouldn't mind that.

I also hate how when you inspect a character it automatically goes go the equipment page instead of the stats like how it used to. I want to make sure the character has good stats before I check their equipment. Also, sometimes I just wanna make sure the character has good stats before I start a dungeon with them. Just too many more additional clicks which ruins the experience imo
they messed this up big time,, can not even see the health of who we are battling on the game also

Oct 29, 2010
for one you can go back to the old updates its saved , your computer techs can change this back to the way it was, if not your gonna lose so many people on this game, i know im giving it one week an if not im done totally an i spend alot of money in this game , and you just slapped alot of us in the face over your mess ups

Oct 29, 2010
Professor Falmea on Apr 23, 2020 wrote:
Hi Wizards,

I wanted to chat about the new Inventory Revamp, why we made the changes and why we need to move forward with a new UI format.

We changed the UI mainly for two reasons. First, with the inclusion of item sets, there simply became too much important information to display on a single pane. This means we cannot just roll back to a previous version of the UI – item sets would be unable to be displayed, and we know you don't want that. Secondly, even before item sets were added, many higher level items with a lot of stats scrolled off the screen already at lower resolutions, so players were missing key information. That’s why we went with the tabbed approach – to allow everything show up properly and display all pertinent information at all supported resolutions.

We’re aware of the frustration in requiring more clicks to get to the information you were previously able to access with a quick mouseover. Solutions are diligently being pursued by our team. We’re looking into showing more information in the main preview window and more easily accessible expanded view options in coming updates. This includes ensuring continued support for our macOS players.

Thanks for your feedback and patience. Stay tuned for updates!
i want all my money back ,, i spent alot of money in this game, been a player since 2010 , im hot,, it was bull what you all did, i like to be able to stroll over my gear you could of left that part alone that was your fault for messing that up,, plus you can not see how much health the boss's have so you dont even know how much damage you need to kill them. you all got one week if you dont fix it im done with the game, then you lose my money an im sure you will be losing alot more customers then me for sure, no one will want to play this game when you cant see the jewels or cards when yuo stroll over your gear to choose which will be the best gear for that dungeon or fight

May 21, 2011
I completely understand where your coming from with stats showing off screen and it being "to long". but now it's just so tedious and takes you so much more time to check gear to see if you want to "keep it" or not. Maybe you could adjust it so it creates a 2nd showing page, for anything that's below a certain point, so we could hover over it, and it just shows 2 panels of info, instead of all this clicking.

Thanks ahead KI :)

Jan 14, 2014
So gone are the days of looking at gear stats side by side....is this a joke?

I have to click on the jewel icon to see what jewels are affixed?


Guys you have to be kidding me?!?!

May 11, 2011
The solution is simple.

1. Revert to the original way we saw gear differences
2. Create a contest for players to come up with a solution that really works
3. Implement the solution that really works

Thanks, very sincerely, form trying to help but please, before you make such a challenging situation, in a system that was probably intended orignally for children, consult the masses and get feedback about the impact is makes.

Jun 06, 2009
Why can’t you just add the gear sets into the separate right-click option, then revert everything else back to the way it was? I think I speak for the majority of players when I say that I’d rather have cards and jewels easily accessible than gear set bonuses (which tbh I probably won’t even be using since it seems like they’re mostly obtained from packs).

Could you at least present the option of switching back to the old UI (same as you did for the WC revamp? “Classic Mode” or whatever you called it)? That way those who actually like this change (even though so far I’ve only seen one happy person among dozens of frustrated folks) can keep it the way it is, and those of us who are honestly considering not playing anymore due to the change can revert to the way that we actually find user-friendly?

I just feel like saying “we understand you’re frustrated... but we aren’t willing to go back to the way it was” doesn’t really help anyone out here. Please just listen to your players. We’re telling you this isn’t working, we’re telling you we’re frustrated, and we’ve presented multiple reasonable solutions that you could pursue. Choosing to ignore them and issuing a blanket statement like y’all did with this thread really doesn’t ease our frustrations at all.

Dec 04, 2013
Here's a suggestion....Can't we have a choice like we do currently with the Classic and new graphics? Roll back the changes straight away and implement a version in the next update that only shows this new style (for those players who inexplicably find it better) if they choose that in an Options setting. I appreciate it means more work for KI in future when anything else on the gear UI changes as they'll have to do it twice over for the different versions, so I guess it'd make sense to try and figure out what percentage of the user base even what this new version.

Jun 17, 2012
Is there any valid reason why you guys decided we shouldn't be able to see the cards and jewels on our gear? I have 3 alpha and omega rings, one for crit, one for pierce and one for 'who knows' but I cant tell which is which from just hovering over it.

I'm trying my best not to be angry but this is pissing me off. I've never has a single problem with the old UI yet without ANY notice, you guys just slapped us in the face with a new interface. Shouldn't we be notified for such a huge change? I'm so confused. At least give us the option to opt out.

Apr 09, 2012
This is my first time posting on the Wizard101 forums and it may get lost in the comments.

All I want to say is that the UI changes are very frustrating to navigate. It makes comparing gear more time consuming. It also makes reviewing drops difficult to see as well. I'm not sure if this was an intended effect but when I get reagent drops as an example the picture of the card does not appear anymore when you hover over the icon.

Significant UI changes like this should be "toggle-able". Allow players to chose which interface they prefer in the settings tab. Personally, I would toggle-off this new interface. If the amount of jewel socketing and visuals of the previous interface were too bulky, reduce the text size.

Dec 27, 2014
I'm pulling my hair out over this pointless change. New players and old are telling you how unwanted it is. How many times do we have to tell you this is a failure? Put back the old UI and go to the drawing board and add the new unwanted mess as the thing that clicking is for. The whole gear set boosts is not worth the trouble it's worth.

Maybe I don't understand how it works but I like to mix and match gear not stick with hat, robe and boots from the same set.

Just apologize to the community and reverse this NOW!

I see no reason to go and play while this mess is here. No more excuses fix it.

Dec 09, 2008
Thanks everyone for your feedback on the UI changes, we appreciate it! Every single post here is being considered for your feedback as we look to improve the UI in future game updates.

Jun 01, 2019
Maybe instead of items with cards saying "This item gives # cards" make it say "This item gives # 'name of spell' cards." That way we can still know what that item gives without having to go into the tabs, and then the tab can just be used for the spell picture. And again, I feel like jewels could still be viewed like they were before and don't really need their own tab. It's annoying when we have multiple decks, athames and pets but the only difference between them is the jewel.

Mar 09, 2018
Sparck. on Apr 24, 2020 wrote:
Thanks everyone for your feedback on the UI changes, we appreciate it! Every single post here is being considered for your feedback as we look to improve the UI in future game updates.

I'm not going to repeat what nearly everyone above me has said, because you know their issues with the update already. What I add is that the option to right-click the items to see the bonuses etc was a good idea so I don't have to ctrl + click, but it also severely hinders reagent farmers. I was running Husk the other day and half the time I'd get a reagent or a pet snack, or even a piece of gear, I'd right click to see what else I got only to get stopped by the new UI and having to click out of it again. For the moment a reasonable solution I've found has been to just double-click your right mouse button in order to discard the item and also keep yourself from getting stuck by the new UI.

Feb 25, 2009
This whole mess could have been avoided if the Devs had listened to the community during test. A very large part of the updates are useless and preventing many from progressing now. The complaints go all the way back to Test release, but, OH WAIT, all of those threads are GONE.

The UI has frustrated my grandson now to the point he threw his mouse last night because he could not see the items, and of course being 10, makes it worse. He waited patiently to play this game. He has watched me play for many years and now, he can't because of this useless update to gear, pets, reagents etc.

I have to join another player in saying I would love to see a BUNCH of the Devs in the game trying to play. But of course, they know what they coded so even that would be a waste of time. How many of the current KI staff have even played this game other than Sparck??

The UI stinks. We can no longer see what we want to see or whether the item is worth keeping or dumping. If this is all due to gear set, they WHY not just make a tab for that reason only instead of turning it all upside down??? Many of us don't even use gear sets. We pick and choose what gives us the stats we want, NOT to be matched piece for piece.

Mar 15, 2018
I agree with the hate it group. I agree only the set bonus stat should be a separate click or, or...no clicks and it displays sideways if needed instead of down. I need to see all info at once not look like a crazy tin foil hat wearer to figure put total stats for an item. I need to see the jewel stats next to the jewel, I need the cards big enough to see, I need that wasted space for the mouse icon gone. I need to have fun playing not a stock option for headache medication. Anyway I don't believe you can't just go back to what is was and in the meantime find a different solution. Cause as much as I want to love this game I just can't with this new frustration. I am to old to pay for pain. And this is painful trying to work out for who and how this new system is "more organized" and not "overly complicated". Please make this experience stop before I have to opt out of renewing my membership.

Jan 14, 2014
Adult near 10 year member here, of all the updates I’ve seen over the years I’ve never been so passionately compelled to protest these updates...the sadly change everything .... including my future as a KI supporter....of the 4 accounts I have for myself and kids...3 are already discontinued...my main account ends in July do I really want to continue with these horrible game hobbling changes?

Why not put the effort in a new world rather than mess with the perfect pet section and all these little additions like gear sets, housing items that disappear, messing with gear viewing, monstrology, that lame photo section, fishing, et al....KI is losing the plot and members no doubt

May 06, 2012
The changes to the UI were a mistake; it is now frustratingly difficult to compare items. Please roll this back ASAP while you consider a more effective way to display item stats. It would be preferable to have the pane extend further horizontally and vertically than any tabbed solution, in my opinion, because the ability to quickly compare two items is an indispensable part of gameplay.

Jan 29, 2016
First of all, thanks for the open discussion. It's been a really heated conversation all over different social media. That doesn't but this thread helps.

I would like to consolidate my feedback and what I've seen everyone talk about into a few points focused on how the problems could be fixed in an effective manner:
  • Make an extra overview tab that would be visibe by default (this would show up on mouse-over).
  • CTRL (or COMMAND I guess) + Clicking would open the current/new detailed layout with the first page only having the base stats and different tabs their respective info.
  • All jewel sockets and socketed jewels should be visible in the overview tab alongside base stats. A good space saving solution would be to out all empty sockets into one row, just showing their icons to see their shape and if they are locked or not.
  • Spell cards provided by the item for specific types such as weapons and amulets - where the spells are very important should be displayed in this overview tab with spell images.
  • Try saving space by putting some base stats that only require an icond and a number in one row (not sure how much backend to frontend work would be required under the hood though).
  • I'd dedicate one line on this overview page that would indicate the active number of set items, like so: xyz set (3/7).
  • Consider reducing the font size (or having an option for that). What we have in chat would work well for item descriptions as well. Ony using the smallcaps font for titeles for instance (if comic sans have to be used because the smallcaps one would look off in a small size).

Jun 03, 2019
Is there a way that I can deactivate the UI update?

It is very confusing, slow, and user unfriendly. Also, bring the picture back on reagents. It easier to identify visually (a picture is worth a thousand words).

The pet stuff is cool, the UI update was two-steps backwards.

Nov 22, 2009
As a player who played this game awhile... I will have to admit this UI Revamp is not helpful... I hear a lot of complaints about it... I get you have to give updates time.. But this UI Revamp Update is too much... Bring back the old equipment set up with image all in one... Maybe set up a different equipment comparison system... Please

Appreciate the community

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
I echo the many other players that do not care for this new change. It makes it VERY difficult to see what jewels and spells are on an item when the information was previously there.

I also don't care about the "group set" bonus thing either at this point. I already can't collect all the pieces of the gear that I'm going for anyway.

I know Professor Falmea said, we can't go back to the old system, but I would ask that we please do. This is significantly worse.

One final thing-The tutorial tips that pop up (like Mr. Lincoln or Zeke saying my backpack is full) do not display normally. You can click on the pop up but then it's just black text with the voice over. The regular dialogue box is no longer appearing. just FYI

Thanks KI for trying, but it might be just the extra difficulties of working from home, but this update feels far from finished... or many features even wanted...

Wishing you the best, moving forward!

Feb 12, 2015
I shall not bother my time with long arguments myself; everyone else took care of that for me. I do have a few things to say, though. I observed these changes for myself, and I can see why everyone's upset.

I hate to say this, I really do, but this is the first time in my memory that a huge update change has failed to impress me. I have never in my LIFE seen such justifiably negative responses to a change. And as a player since the beginning of this all I want everyone to know that this is severe. Please, Kingsisle, I am BEGGING you to reconsider. To do it NOW before, and I mean this, the fallout is IRREVERSIBLE.

Oct 20, 2012
Long time playing family - rare poster.

I pay to play a visual-graphics based game, not a text-based comparison game. I spent two hours in the game market trying to sell items from a full pack and left in frustration (and without success) as i am having trouble even understanding the spells that are on the items I am wearing now. I then spent an hour writing my first post in many years and when ready to post found myself kicked off the forum for being inactive too long, so I lost all of that message.

If you want to add an ability for folks to looks up items to find accessibility for purchase or gathering items in game, then add a section in the libraries where they can look that kind of thing up, but do not force the advertisement into the front line of our game play, taking away the enjoyable graphics of the game.

The hover based inquiry and comparison system we have had was one of the best in user friendly formats. Please give it back.

I and my family have liked your games very much over the years, but honestly this is a game play breaker. My thoughts moved to jumping back to Pirate 101 now, but if your doing or planning this approach there as well, I see no point.

I'll check back from time to time to see if you've returned to a user friendly environment, or perhaps on option for classic Wizard 101 play, but this game is now unplayable for me. I would be happy to continue or return as a customer if you create a server option that allows the old style of play.

Ta, Dakota Mistrider - and other characters